monday morning

what can i say?  i'm a creature of habit.
i make this about every 2 weeks.
i love steve for telling me about this egg-less egg salad.
having a big batch of it in the refrigerator makes me so happy.
i could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

in a bowl whisk together...

1/4 c vegenaise
2 T chopped onion
1 stalk of celery
1 t dijon mustard
1/2 t salt
1/4 t pepper
1/8 t tumeric
1/4 t garlic powder

chop a block of firm tofu into small dice
mix, chill and serve.

here i am in a $1 sweatshirt and $1 pair of jeans.

have a fabo monday.



  1. You look like a million...where in the world do you get sweater and jeans for $1 each?

  2. You always impress! $2 - amazing. Loved your feedback on the below comments about curtains and color.

  3. Sounds yum. Love your shoes!

    I bought a little black cardigan at Goodwill the other day for fifty cents ... I thought of you :)

  4. Cheap never looked so chic! You absolutely rock those skinnies and that salad looks wonderful but I'd have to skip the celery (I know, I know, a veggie who hates celery, I'm a disgrace!) xxx

  5. I have to try this salad- I also love having some yummy easy salad in the fridge. And those shoes! Are they new? So, so cute.

    Lately, I've been a discouraged thrifter. My local (Seattle)thrift stores have increased to retail prices. It's crazy. And odd. I think so many of us started shopping there they decided to see how high they could go. But I can't imagine paying $15 for a thrifted shirt. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

    1. new-ish. i got them last year from payless.:)

      all our thriftshops are raising their prices too.:(

  6. I love a good bargain! I buy all of my clothing (except unmentionables, lol)
    I get a ton of name brands for only $3.99 it is a deal!
    I will have to try your "egg" salad as everyone I try to make on my own is horrible! maybe it is because I always hated egg salad when I was a meat eater? Hmmm. Do you think that is it?
    Loved the cuffed jeans, that is how I wear mine sometimes too!

  7. The sweater looks very comfortable. My kind of sweater!
    This is a great salad!

    I wonder, did you ever try this home-made vegenaise?

    1. just watched the video and the dressing sounds delicious. i bookmarked it and will make it for sure! thanks paula.

    2. oops. this was the link towards the dressing, but there is a vegenaise also available on the website. it takes more nuts and less water what I remember.

      I will make use of the last days of your food-postings and mention that we had friends over for dinner and served a 3-course vegan dinner. :-) big step for me! maybe we were not as creative as you (the colour orange dominated - pumpkin, sweat potatoes) in various courses but overall it was very satisfying.

  8. I have been loving my Tu-no salad so much! Much the same ingredients but swap out the tofu for slightly mashed garbanzos and add chopped pickle! Will have to try yours this week(:

  9. Always lovely, always chic Janet.. Love the outfit and the oxfords v much... and that salad looks delish.. Happy Monday to you too! S X

  10. Gosh, I wish I liked tofu! Crazy being a vegan and I don't like tofu, huh?
    But, I have tried almost this exact same recipe with cauliflower vs. tofu and it is very good.
    Give it a try!

  11. Someone told me they made a faux egg salad using chick peas with the balance of the ingredients about the same as this one. That Steve; he's the bomb!

  12. Janet you hunt down the best bargains.
    Our local thrift shops prices are way higher.

    you've got great style, those brogues are all the rage here

  13. I hope you don't think I am terribly inappropriate or rude but I have a sincere question that I am truly curious about. You have a great body as your readers are always telling you, and I get that at any age we can be slim and toned with the proper diet and excercise, BUT breasts are just one thing that seem to have a mind of their own. You have the body of a 20 something, INCLUDING your perky breasts!!! HOW DO YOU DO IT? Yes, I am really asking. Why/how are your breasts so perky.:)

    Yes, I can ask the question but I am afraid I have to be anon, just can't bring myself to put my name to this particular question!

    1. as i'm sitting here this morning drinking my tea i'm really laughing. perky breasts, me? that is so funny b/c sadly they are anything but. i wish i could tell you i'm wearing an amazing bra or had breast augmentation but nope, neither. wacoal discontinued my favorite wireless bra and so now i'm wearing a bali bra from jc penney. so there you go!

  14. Janet, you look as good as a two dollar bill. I just could not resist.
    Rare and Unique. You are.

  15. 2 bucks! Amazing. And that picture of the egg salad and oranges--Yum.
    -Suzanne in Illinois

  16. I am sooo making this, it's always good to get ideas to jolt me out of a food rut.

  17. I'll have to make up some tofu, and try making your tofu salad :)


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