i love packing

I'm heading off for Kauai to stay with my girlfriend M at her home there.  You remember M, you've seen here California house here and her garden here..   I'm so excited to see her Hawaii home, so I've got some packing to do.

I know a lot of people really don't like packing but for some reason I do.  Maybe because I've not traveled much or maybe it's just the challenge of packing light.  More likely the latter as I do love a challenge. When I went to Europe last year I probably spent 6 months packing in my brain, and I still didn't get it right.  So the gauntlet has been thrown down.

The first thing I do is write down how many days I'll be gone and then the activities planned.  I actually draw out the outfit combos (so strange) then I go to my closet and start pulling things out. Because I want to pack lightly, I want things that are easy to mix and match or that can be adapted to different situations.

This caftan is a good example. It's by Emerson Fry and I fell in love with it over 2 years ago.  At $248 I could never justify it but I've been stalking her outlet sale which she holds on Thursday's.  When it popped up at $40 I snagged it. I can wear it on the plane, to the beach, out to dinner/cocktails or even water my lawn in it. So obviously this is going in my bag. Other activities planned are some really beautiful hikes, snorkeling, botanical gardens and generally lazing about.  Besides some hiking clothes, a skirt, 4 tops  (2 fancy, 2 ordinary) and 2 maxi's are what's going with me.

I'm pretty stoked about this caftan as it will hide lots of sins and the whitest skin kauai has probably ever seen. My computer is staying home but if you are at all interested, I will be posting my 15 seconds of beauty on Instagram right here. Aloha.


almost summer

Nothing says summer better than yellow flowers.  One of my favorite clients brought me these freesia the other day.

I'm still not hating (world record?) the old iron sconces next to the mirror and that toile lumbar pillow Marianne made me.

Who knew junk could look summery.

This photo feels like a right proper gentleman may live here.  He doesn't, but can I mix you drink before a game of tennis?  Maybe it should be the other way around.  Whatever, it's almost summer and everyone knows there are no rules during summer. At least that's what my kids used to say...


elbow grease

I love this kitchen floor but all those tiny white tiles can get really dingy over time.  We wash the floor weekly but it gets lots of traffic and the white tiles were beginning to look grayish/brownish.  Larry came up with a 3 step process that works really well and keeps the floor shining.  I believe it would really bring life back into vintage or even antique tiles too.  It requires a bit of elbow grease but if you have 2 people it goes pretty fast.

You will need...

Hot water
A scoop or 2 of Oxi-clean laundry booster type stuff
A scrub brush
3 or 4 cleaning towels

After sweeping the floor well, one person uses the scrub brush dipped in the oxi-clean solution that has been dissolved into hot water to loosen all the grime.  The next person comes along with a hot wet towel to wipe it up and then a dry towel to buff it.

Go in small sections until the floor sparkles again.  It takes us about 30 minutes to do this floor.
It's good exercise and if you can get into it, somewhat meditative.  Just kidding, it's a pain in the ass but looks beautiful when finished.

Happy happy Friday the 13th!


a moment of zen

Late Sunday afternoon in a rather spontaneous moment we decided to throw a few things in the car and head out to Joshua Tree National Park to stay the night.  No reservations needed.

A quick scramble on a collection of boulders,

a relaxing meal by the fire,

and a scintillating debate on whether this moon was waxing or waning.  I thought waning but lost that debate b/c it is indeed waxing.

And just like that, the sun was rising.

A few sun salutations later.

A cup of coffee and we were on our way back home.  And just like that, we had our moment of zen.  Do you like quick escapes or do you prefer having plans?  We actually do better on the fly than with planning things out.  It seems like whenever we make detailed plans they come unraveled at the end.  One day I'd love to show up at the airport and catch the next available plane to anywhere that sounds interesting. Now that would be spontaneous.


a friday kind of post

That is to say a lazy post.  But it's been about a year since I've done an "outfit" post.  And now I know why. I am a boring dresser.  I wear the same thing day in and day out.  I swear I have photos circa 1975 and I'm wearing the same thing.  I found these old bell bottoms at the Goodwill for $6.  The shoes for $12 and the bag (in perfect vintage condition) was $5.

This morning I read that love is a verb.  I plan to put that into action this weekend.


baked oatmeal


So if you are like me and pretty much eat the same breakfast day in and day out and once in awhile want to mix it up, a little, then you may want to try this baked oatmeal instead of the traditional. It's so good, it could almost be a dessert. It's chock full of healthiness and tastiness.  I found the recipe here at wholehearted eats and only changed the method up a bit.  I'm finding that if I use dates for sweetness, it is often good to puree them with the liquids going into a dish instead of just chopping them and adding them in small chunks. The sweetness gets spread around a little more consistently.

2 Cups Rolled Oats 
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Nutmeg
1/4 tsp Ginger
1/8 tsp Sea Salt
2 Cups Almond Milk 
2 Tbsp. Chia Seeds (soaked in 4 Tbsp water/almond milk)
2 Tbsp. Maple Syrup
3/4 Cup Walnuts (Roughly Chopped)
1/3 Cup Chopped Dates 
2 Apples (Diced)


Begin by soaking the chia in 4 Tbls. water or almond milk and let sit for 5 minutes. In a bowl combine the oats, baking powder, spices, and salt. In another bowl combine the chia seed mixture, almond milk, and maple syrup, whisking to combine. Mix the wet ingredients into the oats, and stir in 1/2 cup walnuts (saving 1/4 cup for the top), dates, and the diced apple. Pour the mixture into a 9 by 13 inch pan that has been greased lightly with some coconut oil. Garnish with reserved 1/4 walnuts. Bake in a 375 F oven for 30-35 minutes, or until golden. Let it cool slightly before serving. Garnish with maple syrup if desired.

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