Potpourri 2024


I thought I'd go through my phone and post photos that came out ok.  There's a little bit of everything here.  Even a heart shaped puddle.  Thank you all for sticking with me even when I wasn't here.  Wishing you all a healthy and peaceful new year!  


merry christmas


Hello sweet friends.  This will be the 18th year of Christmas in this house.  Other than accessories the kitchen is still the same and I plan for it to never be changed or upgraded.  

This is the extent of my decorating and I'm pretty proud of myself for doing this!  It feels just right to me.

I am wishing you all the loveliest Christmas ever.  We've been through so much together and I hope to continue to write here.  The comment section is the best part of this blog.  I read every single comment and love them all.  Take care sweet friends and see you soon. x

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