old navy

Ok, so the office is done!  I hope you enjoy these photos.  This room is incredibly hard to take photos of because it is so small and the lighting is so bad but I think they came out alright.  The next photo is just for dramatic impact.  After seeing the way the room looked when we first got here, anything would look good. :)

The vintage 48 star American flag came from an estate sale for $5.  I was inspired by the Ralph Lauren store in Paris.  I took it to Michaels to have it framed and the estimate (with a 65% discount) was $475. So that is why it is hanging like this.

Btw, have I told you that if you need an Ikea Ektorp Sofa to look on craigslist?  We paid $25 for this one and Ikea sells a new white slipcover for $49.

So what do you think?  You like?  I really do.  The paint color is Benjamin Moore's Old Navy in case you are interested.  I never set out to, but it appears I've created a Ralph Lauren Shrine.  And I'm okay with that.


sunday morning things

My breakfast this morning...
Shredded potatoes, onion and garlic with Habenero Ketchup & the sweetest cantaloupe.

Listening to records.

And a peek into the office and the lovely navy blue.

Hope your Sunday is going well.

yard sale chinoiserie chairs

Right before I left for Europe my friend M saw these chairs at a yardsale and knowing I  was looking for kitchen chairs, she called me immediately.
They were $10 for the pair.  The pair.

Love the detail on the backs

The vinyl seats had some issues but what a steal they were.

I ordered a yard of this Robert Allen fabric.
Crystal Lake

A gal at the fabric store made the seat covers for me for $10 each.
Again, such a steal.

And here they are finished...

I washed the fabric before they were sewn so they'll be easy to clean.
I haven't even gotten around to freshening up the paint on the chairs yet.

I will as soon as I'm done with the office.
  The painting is done and I love the navy color!
I'm still working on hanging the pictures and other little details.
Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures soon.

Have a really nice one.




We had a long summer rain over the weekend that surprised the heck out of the roses.  

They are putting out a gigantic effort for another bloom.
So exciting.

The cooler temps also gave me the kick i needed to get moving on a few projects.
I've been wanting to paint the office and so I'm in the middle of doing that now.

I have a vision of navy, white and brass.

I'll let you know how that vision pans out.

This is the navy I've chosen...

Old Navy by Benjamin Moore

Sometimes my visions don't match the end result so I'm a little nervous.
My navy blue fingers are crossed.


flowers in my house

Jane has asked to see what flowers I have in my house.
She's so darn loveable, how could I say no?

Making a strong showing in the garden this week, we have Stargazer lilies, Sage, Fern and Hydrangea.

Moving to the other side of the room we have freeze dried moss topiaries and some coral.

And in the middle there is a very healthy Swedish Ivy just doing its thang.

Pop over to see what everyone else is growing...

Small but so very Charming



It's hard to imagine a more beautiful garden than Sissinghurst.
And for me, next to Highgrove, it was the most anticipated on this tour.

Sissinghurst is ancient.  Originally built in the middle ages and at one point in the 17th century was even a prison.
Vita Sackville West and her husband, Harold Nicolson took ownership in the 1930's and together they designed the gardens that are here today.  The garden is a series of rooms created from clipped hedges and the original walls and the effect is nothing less than stunning.

I often just had to pause and take a breath because my eyes were overwhelmed with its beauty.
And while overall the garden is gorgeous it is the details that stop you in your tracks.
I did my best to capture some of those details.  

Joan, I'm thinking you and Dan can make this with all the stone on your property!

Of course I had to squeeze in a cream tea before I left.  

 Have a gorgeous weekend friends.


kayce hughes sale!

Hey guys, just a reminder that Kayce Hughes Annual Summer sale is on right now.
All of Kayce's dresses are beautiful, comfortable and so wearable.
I always get compliments on them - and they are all well made in nice breathable cotton.
So important for sweltering summer heat.

So incredibly easy to style too.  A pretty dress, sandals and sunglasses and I'm set for the day.
It cannot get any simpler.
So pop on over and get them while you can.
At 50% off they won't last!!!

Also, if you have any questions on fit or sizing just contact the store or website directly and they'll be happy to help.

the french riviera

just escaping the heat and reliving a little bit of the dream...

The French Riviera, has such a nice ring to it, no?
The truth is that Monaco, Cannes and Nice are crowded and quite touristy.
Glad we decided to stay between Cannes and Nice in picture perfect Antibes.
The beaches are gorgeous with less crowds and the architecture is outstanding.

Saturday morning flea market

There is a daily market here full of fresh produce, cheese and olives.
Perfect place to buy things for a picnic on the beach.

I love this photo.
Look at the intensity of this cheese transaction.

Our hotel was straight up Wes Anderson.  

Because there was 4 of us, they put us up in the back guesthouse.

It was so nice to be able to stretch out after spending so many days in the small hotel rooms of Paris and Provence.

Two little English kids taught me to play Boules.
I think it'd be fun to make a court at home to play on.
All you need are these balls and a level spot with gravel.

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