flannel and apples*

We have been having some rather autumn-like days here in southern california so I could not resist putting on a flannel and baking an apple crumble.  

Apple Crumble

6 tart apples - peeled, diced
 1/2 cup sugar
1 T cinnamon

place the above ingredients into a 9" pie tin and top with...

3/4 c oats
1/2 c brown sugar
1 T cinnamon
pinch of salt
1/4 cup earth balance (cut into oats)
1/2 c pecans

bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until topping is nicely browned.

this is a very forgiving recipe.  substitute your heart away.  white sugar instead of brown, more or less cinnamon, nutmeg, walnuts, cranberries.  i like my topping really well done, you might not, so bake accordingly.

*no animals were harmed while making this recipe.


  1. Dear Janet, I always think of crumbles as 'Nursery Food' since they bring back chilhood memories of being comforted when under the weather by delicious home made baking. Your own crumble looks very tempting indeed.

    Across the Atlantic, a flannel is used for washing the face. I assume that you are not wearing a facecloth, so what, dear Janet, is a flannel on your side of the 'Pond'?

  2. Looks delicious! Apple crumble and custard are my favourite, although since moving to the States, I now settle for ice-cream too! Lx

  3. edith - crumbles are comfort food here too and a staple of fall weather. a flannel is a soft, plaid shirt like the one i'm wearing.

    laura - b/c i'm a vegan i would use a non-dairy whipped topping instead of ice cream, but i like mine plain.

  4. You're just too cute! This recipe sounds delish and perhaps even simple enough for moi?!
    Happy Fall Janet.

  5. I've made two apple crumbles in the past week, with apples from our trees. Apple crumble is food of the gods. Nothing says "autumn is finally here" more eloquently.

    I love your flannel photo!

  6. Thanks for the recipe Janet! I just bought some Earth Balance and pecans a few weeks ago...Now all I need are apples!

    Cute shirt, plaid is very in this year!


  7. I love that photo of you Janet! What a welcoming smile! I will have to try your recipe - it sure looks tasty.

    I love, love wearing flannel. My favorite is an old flannel shirt of my Dad's.


  8. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppplllllllllles!!!!! Gotta love 'em. If it wasn't going to be 90F here today, I'd throw a pie in the oven for sure :)

  9. Fruit crisps are one my favorite desserts! Peach is my favorite but apple is a close second. I like a little grated ginger in the apple version.

  10. Janet,

    Hope you don't mind my asking, but, what made you decide to purchase your tiny cottage? Was it the history? Was it love at first sight? Spill!


  11. paige - thank your for visiting!

    t - anyone can make this. if i had a dog, it could.

    charlotte - well put. food of the gods.

    linda - yeah, you will need apples. i didn't know plaid ever went out!

    claudia - thanks. that was the first shot he took and i was totally goofing off and it came out being the best one. and no. 2 son gave me that double rl flannel over the weekend. it pays to have fam in the right places!

    meg - i hear it's gonna be 90 here on saturday. glad i jumped on it.

    steve - grated ginger would be sublime. do you wear plaid flannels steve? i can just picture you in the urban cottage in one.

    sue - that would have to be a long post. short story - i was sick of cleaning a big house.

  12. Yummy looking crumble...and so perfect for our chilly Fall days.
    You look cozy in your "flannel" shirt...a friend of mine uses flannel sheets in the cooler weather.
    if you get the chance...try peach or apricot crumble...with a small dollop of ice cream...

  13. I seem to be having a problem posting a comment this morning!

  14. Okay, that's better! Anywayyyyy...your cumble looks yummy! You are lucky to be enjoying some fall weather and smart to take advantage of it! We are expecting about 90 for a few more days, at least. As much as I love summer, I'm looking forward to turning on my oven and putting on a sweater (soon?)! karin

  15. oh yum! This is my kind of dessert... could be dangerous :) and I like it crispy too :)

  16. Uh, huh, girlfriend, now you're talking.

    As soon as I can turn my oven on again, I'm baking. Or can I just grill it?

    xo Jane

  17. I'm totally jealous of your cool weather...it is in the mid 90's here in North Fla....hopefully our cool weather is on the way. Enjoy your day!!!

  18. leslie - there isn't anything i won't turn into a crumble. but no ice cream at this cottage!

    karin - i hear the warm weather is heading our way for the weekend.

    michelle - thanks for the comment and it is yum. try it.

    jane - i grill a lot of things but not this. it might crumble.

    jenndon - i think i'm sending my cool weather your way.

  19. Yammie.....it looks delicious !!....happy evening...hugs from me....

  20. Yum, crumble. Fresh fruit desserts are my favourite, and I think crumble tops the list. I add rhubarb from the garden to my apple.

    I love and adore flannelette sheets in the winter and have to reluctantly take them off in the spring, when they become too roasting hot. It takes a few mornings of us expiring in the bed with the covers pulled back to encourage me to change back to smooth cotton sheets.

    Your top is lovely Janet, Double RL indeed. I am tres envious.

  21. Strange...that girl in the picture looks just like my baby sister. You know, the one I shot in the tree a million years ago?

    I have no idea what "Earth Balance" is but you make it sound good. :)

    Desert Rat sis

  22. Honey, You are a hoot! I am looking forward to some flannel myself... the heat index here is 101F today! I'm going to try that yummy recipe. Have a great weekend.

  23. You look adorable.

    You know my views on a crumble-I'm a fan. Do you eat quince? and rhubarb? They're both so tart I think you'd like them.

    What would you use as a whipped cream substitute?

    J, I am so in love with my clean oven that I can hardly bear to roast a chicken in it!

  24. How cute and delicious - the apple crumble and you, Janet ! x

  25. ria - hi sweetie.

    fiona - i love rhubarb and flannel sheets but i don't own any.

    jeannne - earth balance is a butter substitute that is DElicious.

    db - i am?! well shoot.

    ff - i know you are a fan of the crumble and i would use something like cool whip that is non-dairy. then i think you should never roast a chicken again!

    sarah - thank you dearest.

  26. Now this recipe looks like something I can handle, sounds really good.

  27. Apple crumble is our family favourite dessert.
    This sure is one very cute pic of you Janet.
    Over here we wear flannelette.

  28. Sounds delightful! Isn't flannel the best feeling stuff against your skin?

  29. Oh, I love apple desserts and this one looks delicious. And I keep the air conditioning turned way up in the warmer months so I can wear my flannel pjs year round.

  30. Hi Janet,
    Looks so good! It's one of my favorite desserts and I think that we'll have to have some ourselves.
    You look good in your flannel xo

  31. Well, I guess that makes you a trendsetter then! :)

  32. julie - thanks julie, you're a doll.

    londen - your kid can make this.

    anne marie - it's settled, i'm now calling it my flannelette.

    brenda - yes it is.

    deborah - to do that in so cal would cost you an arm and a leg.

    trina - you mean my flannelette?

    linda - my sons would get a laugh out of that.

  33. You little doll, you! I just walked in the door with a bag of apples from a friend. I knew I could make plenty of apple butter and chutney, but this beats all! I can do all three. Thank you for this deliciosa treat.

  34. Love apple crumble. I put strawberries in mine as well as apple.
    BTW, Could you do a post on your hair? Do you dye it? How do you keep it so nice?

  35. You look so cute in your flannel shirt...and that Apple Crumble looks delicious! Have a great weekend!

  36. Dear Janet, I echo Janey, you have great hair. Could you tell us what you use on it, color ect., actually i'ts gorgeous, you probably get asked every day. Hugs, Joyce

  37. bodeci - you are welcome.

    blighty and deserea - thanks you guys.

    janey and joyce - thank you both so much. my hairdresser is a genius b/c she can make my hair look good. i'm dealing w/gray now so she puts something called shades by redken on. i use aveda brilliant shampoo and conditioner on it. it's very curly so i only wash it about every 5 days. i blow it out with a big round brush. that's about it. i think the secret is that you are not seeing it in person.

  38. Dear Janet, Thank you for the info, you are so generous in tips we would like, means a lot! I am pretty sure your hair is even more beautiful in person! Thanks again, Hugs Joyce

  39. You are the cutest little thing in that red flannel shirt! The apple crumble makes me wish for fall! It's hot down here in Mississippi!


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