thank you! and does anyone need a coat?

hello everyone.

i'm halfway through my thank you's to the wonderful and kind birthday wishes you've all sent me.  it truly is overwhelming just how thoughtful you all are.  
yesterday i put that post up and went to hollywood for the day and by the time i got back home, i had 68 comments wishing me a happy birthday.  i read through each one with grateful tears in my eyes - you know the kind.
what a beautiful end to a beautiful day.
so i thank you from the bottom of my heart.

now on to this coat...

i'm not going to lie, if you live in southern california it is just too warm.
it is lined with thinsulate and i didn't think it would make that big of a difference but wow, i was wrong.
it's made for a colder climate.
it's a new, beautiful j. crew peacoat in a pretty radio red color.

so i'm selling it on ebay and if you know someone who would be interested in it, i think it is a fabulous coat to own - in a colder climate.

thanks again for all your wonderful birthday wishes.



  1. Janet, let me add my very affectionate wishes for a wonderful year ahead. Your good will is a rainbow and it arcs much farther than you may imagine.

    Thank you for all that you do and are.


  2. Happy birthday! I turn 35 today - who knew that I would find your blog at random, which I love, and then we would share a birthday? I love those serendipitous moments in life!

  3. Just catching up with your blog and wanted to wish you a belated "Happy Birthday"! It sounds like you had the best kind of birthday!

    I can't tell you how much I enjoy your blog---you have given me much food for thought over these past months that I have been reading, and I can't thank you enough for that! You truly are a positive inspiration for so many!

    Wishing you much peace and love in the year ahead!

    Take care,
    Mary P

  4. I wish I was a size 4....
    I hope you had a great time in Hollywood for your birthday!

  5. Happy belated birthday! Such an interesting blog, a beautiful home, great ideas, and that coat is gorgeous--best wishes on selling it! Just a note on your changes in life regarding Christmas. I still have my children with me, though two are in transition. Making the necessary changes is (and should be) an anticipated part of life. I no longer want the pressure of presenting the "perfect Christmas" and am glad to hear that I'm not the only one. Being creative in smaller ways appeals to me much more than the overwhelming prospect of perfection. I recently told my husband that these years are even better than when the children were little because we can take our time and enjoy our family's uniqueness, celebrating in our own way. Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts and life through your blog.

  6. Oh, missed the previous post- Happy, Happy Belated Birthday!

    I am so grateful that you sat down one day and decided to blog- your perspective, your simplicity and your style are needed here. Every single blog posts leaves me feeling happier and gives me ideas- love that.

    Enjoying Christmas on the beach somewhere sounds like a wonderful idea. I cut back, presents-wise, this year and no one seemed bothered. I am always so relieved when the holidays are over- and that seems kind of wrong, doesn't it? Yes,I vote beach.

  7. Happy Birthday Janet! In my family, we consider this your birthday week. Every day this week is your special day. I so prefer Birthdays to other gift giving holidays ;)
    Have a wonderful Birthday week!
    SF Bay Area

  8. Lovely coat! Happy Birthday, and happy new year too!

  9. Happy Birthday Janet! I hope that you have a wonderful, peaceful and special year.


  10. Happy Belated Birthday Janet. Lovely coat. Our Minnesota winters would accommodate such a coat, however I am not a size 4.
    Happy New Year to you too.


  11. happy birthday Janet.
    I made your bread today, with 2 cups white and 1 cup wholemeal flour. Just love it, really crusty as that is how I like my bread.

  12. Your musings on Christmas don't fall on deaf ears...Both my husband and I have December's too much to make all the birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations perfect and unique. If it were not for grandchildren and the joy of the holidays in their eyes, we would be out of here, too!
    For today, though, the vision of your beautiful red coat is warming me from the inside out, as today's temperature did not rise above 45 degrees, here in Orange County. In sunny Southern California!?? Amazingly C O L D ! A perfect day to sit in front of the fire, perusing blogs, recharging from my husband's birthday party of last night, and the perfect time to wish you Happy Birthday and another year of treasured musings, great thrift shop finds and quality family times. Write ON!!!
    xoxo, Chris

  13. Great coat. And it's plenty cold enough here in Oklahoma for a coat like that. Unfortunately, I'm a little broke at the moment. But I'm going to keep checking your sales from now on. Love your style.

  14. Janet don't ever come to Hollywood and not call me, ever!!!!! Just stop by for a hug and hello and bath room. Happy Birthday!

  15. Happy Belated Birthday Janet!! Dahling you look FAHBoolous!! xox Slim

  16. A beautiful coat but I know what you mean. I bought a winter coat a few years ago and have only worn it 5 or 6 times. Although it did come in handy on Christmas day when we drove up towards the mountains for the family get was in the 40's. However, I did buy a trench coat this year and have already worn it many times...I can see I will be getting much use out of it.

    Happy Birthday again and glad you got a warm and fuzzy feeling from all the birthday wishes! (my husband's is the day after Christmas and his brother's is NYE)


  17. Adorable. Sadly not warm enough for this climate. Ugh. Sadly not a size 4 either. Hmm...sounds like there are two potential new year's resolutions in there. Move to California. Become a size 4 again. ;0

    xo Terri

  18. That coat is so great on you, and it's been so cold in So. Cal - haven't you needed it? What about for travels, like to NYC? The color and cut are spectacular on you. Have a very Happy and Healthy New Year, and thank you for always making your blog such a lovely place to visit.

    1. hi kathy. it's still too warm for the chilly weather we've had. glad to report it sold to a lovely lady in chicago. it will be perfect for her. xo

  19. size too small or i would be bidding. :-)
    -Suzanne in Illinois

  20. Happy birthday! I hope this comment reaches you, Janet. I have tried before when my pc was being difficult, and that person who was being unkind got in and it looked as though I was them :( I love your blog and enjoy it so much. It's my 50th in January and if I could look half as good as you I would be very happy! Best wishes, Suzie x

    1. thank you and i never thought you were ever being unkind to me. you are so sweet. xo and happy birthday!

    2. Thank you! Happy New Year to you and your family. It's about 9pm here on the 1st. My mother and sister live in Florida but i never quite know what the time is. Hope it was good for you :) Suzie x

  21. I'm so glad you had a wonderful birthday and felt the love we all have for you, Janet!
    You'll need that coat when you come and visit me in England!
    Wishing you and Larry a very happy New Year and a fantastic 2013! xxx

  22. That colour looks great on you Janet but I understand that California is so much warmer than we are up here at the 49th parallel where I am donning a 600 proof down Lands End coat.
    Happy New Year to you and Larry.

  23. Did not read your blog for a few days so....... Happy Birthday! I totally agree about the holiday change. I was thinking the same thing. I much prefer Thanksgiving and was considering exchanging gifts earlier and then taking off to a warmer climate for vacation. Christmas for us involves going to my husband's nephew's home with his family, his wife's family, and my family. It is entirely too circus-like and I am wanting something more simple with less gifts and chaos.

  24. Happy Birthday and Happy New Year! You are an inspiration. Because of you I think more about the food we eat. I made your yummy bread and will be making it a lot more in 2013. I am thinking about challenging myself to a 30 day vegan challenge. I have watched more food related documentaries with the last two being Vegucated and Hungry for Change. I read The China Study and learned about Dr. Gerson. All of which was because of what I read here. Thank you for such insightful info!

  25. Wishing you a very Happy New Year. I have just recently found your blog and I'm enjoying it immensely. I'm even toying with the idea of gently becoming more of a vega. Just dipping my toe in the waters.

    I'e also just started blogging, so I think I enjoy your blog even more for the delight you put into it.

  26. Janet... sending you lots of good wishes and blessings a bit late for your birthday! It's funny that you wrote about family celebrations evolving and changing in your last post. My husband and I shared some of the same thoughts as we busily prepared for our family's Christmas get together this past Saturday. While dinner for 10 may not seem too difficult, it requires a lot of planning, shopping, and a full day in the kitchen. I have decided that maybe we need to shake things up a bit for our 2013 family celebrations! No thoughts yet on the changes, just that some may be afoot! May you and yours have a safe, Happy New Year!

  27. Happy Birthday/New Year! It really is a NEW year for you.

    Just as you have encouraged us to simplify and change our thinking about how we live our lives, I also want to encourage you in your efforts to have the kind of Christmas (and birthday and any other day) you want.

    Every year, we simplify our holidays more, asking ourselves - does this fit our vision for us? Because we have done this gradually, there are no hurt feelings - just a joyous family celebration without stress or $$$.

    Save a spot on your beach for us, too.


  28. Happy Birthday! How did I miss that post?! Argh I feel terrible. Thinking of you and sending a big hug across the miles. I hope the new year is an excellent one for you and your family Janet.
    Thanks for the constant inspiration!

  29. yes debbie i will consider it. what is it that you want to know specifically about how i declutter. i usually just grab a bag and start digging! i keep things that have really deep meaning to me or that i think will never go out of style and that i really like but just may be a little tired of. everything else goes. just let me know ok? and thank you too.

  30. here is a link to the oversized rl book i own. they make a smaller version but this is the one i have...

  31. Happy New Year Janet! Are you sure you want to part with your red coat? You do look rather magnificent in red and it would be lovely on a winter trip to New York, Paris, London...

  32. Understand about the coat - if it's too hot you won't have the use from it really.. You look fabulous in that colour though. And a really happy birthday to you ( I know its a little belated but comes from the bottom of my heart).. And no wonder I like you so much - another fellow Capricorn!!! And a happy New Year too. XXXX

  33. Dear Janet - Belated birthday wishes & a very happy new year to you. I am very glad to have discovered your blog, I enjoy this so much.

    As for family traditions - although my husband and I have now reached the wise ages of 50 & 40, as we don't have any kids of our own (by choice) and we are in the lucky position with both our parents still alive - we become 'the kids' again at christmas. Also as we don't live in our home country anymore, we rather enjoy the 'driving home for christmas' thing - for us it really means to be able to leave all worries behind for a few days. The only thing that is a bit out of control is the amount of food both our mum's produce - espescially for my husband as since I turned vegetarian and now vegan for a few months, they fear that he is not being fed appropriately anymore .....

  34. Did you see Le Catch post on red coats? Whomever has your coat now is in style : )

    I love your posts Janet. We cut down on Xmas this year and all had a satisfying Xmas. Your blog overall has been inspiration. we have been living overseas for them last 12 years. Upon return, I decided to buy 90 percent of my clothes at goodwill, as we have terrific shops in my area. I have easily been able to do this.

  35. .......continued, I recall last year you went skiing on a budget. it gave me motivation to do that too for our family of four.


    1. thank you for the le catch link. i'd never heard of it before. the red coat is perfect for someone in a colder climate. it wound up in chicago so that will be perfect.:)
      thanks for your lovely comment. xo


kindness is never out of style.

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