white linens

i have a thing for unfussy, white bedding.  i can add a patterned extra blanket at the foot of the bed during the colder months but during spring and summer i prefer all white linens.  i do love the look of a bed piled with pillows, but when it comes to my own, 4 is the max maybe 5.  too many pillows give me a headache.
and we all know a headache is the last thing i need in this room. 

my preferred drying method

flowers in the laundry garden

in the meantime, my rose garden is going berserk.  you know they are producing if i'm putting them on larry's side of the bed. 



  1. Oh me too but lovely as that room is I cannot take my eyes off your abundant grass and flowers, oh to move from this frozen tundra!

  2. Janet,

    I love white bedding and seeing your sheets drying on the line reminds me of my childhood. My mom always preferred hanging the sheets out in the breeze...I remember the crisp feeling and the fresh smell. Your roses are gorgeous and so is that chandelier!

    xo annie

  3. you had me at "flowers in the laundry garden!"

    roses and white linen...could you want any more out of life....

    I could fit in nicely in your little corner of heaven you have right there!

  4. The bed looks fantastic. Perfect for spring and summer. Love that covered headboard. And the black and white toile curtains with the bamboo shades....very nice. The roses by the bed...so sweet. I noticed yesterday one lone miniature rose in my garden. All the other rose bushes are budding but no blooms as of yet.

    I have one rose bush that puts off the most beautiful salmon pink with pale yellow blossoms. And the smell is fantastic but they wilt in a day! So frustrating that I can't enjoy them for more than that. I rarely bring them in because it's so depressing to see them shrivel in a day.

  5. very pretty. Your flowers are amazing. My mom always hung the laundry out to dry when we were growing up. I hated doing it when it was so hot out, but it really is nice to have the smell of outdoors on your linens.


  6. I love it all! The linens, clothesline and flowers are beautiful! Your post is such as nice welcome home from physical therapy gift.

  7. I love your style but also your sense of humor, you crack me right up!
    Your house is gorgeous.
    I also dry my linens on the line, but I only get to do that a few months of the year here in Canada.
    Love the flowers in The Laundry Garden!

  8. The sheets hanging outside reminds me of my childhood. Makes me want to run to the garden and eat a tomato off the vine for some reason. And watch Batman.

  9. tabitha - when does the thaw begin?

    annie - clotheslines totally remind me of my childhood too.

    sarah - you'd fit perfectly here.

    nita - thanks and i cut mine b/c they die faster outside.

    julie - i was always too short to do the laundry when i was a girl, i had 2 big sisters for that job.

    paige - hope yoiur pt is going well.

    dani - thanks and when does your spring begin?

    steve - reminds me of flipper.

  10. I'm all about the pillows too, I have six, only sleep with one! Hubby uses two, the others get tossed to the side every night! I love drying sheets outdoors!

  11. I totally agree with you, non fussy white for my bedding as well. How I wish we could hang clothes outside to dry here. Your 'au naturale' laundry room/garden is divine.

  12. Beautiful! All white is the way to go. I, too, like the look of all the pillows but putting them on the bed every morning and taking them off every night is too much. So, like you my bed is simple.

  13. I Love white bedding as well it feels so fresh. Lucky you I dream of a cloths line for towels and etc.

  14. Your wit is as charming as your beautiful cottage.

  15. ocean breezes - i think b/c our bedroom is so small, we'd be stepping over them as there is nowhere to put them!

    t - i am not surprised that you are a white linen gal.

    betty - dang, that's what i should have titled this post - my bed is simple.

    comeca - exactly, it symbolizes freshness.

    debbie - yes that is right. it's just the comforter and a sheet. i fought for years with duvet covers and finally just gave up. i can wash the comforter v easily.

    dianne - thank you so much, you are too sweet.

  16. I thought I was the only one who didn't pile a lot of pillows on the bed. Thank you for a little affirmation. I can just smell sheets that have been dried in the breeze. Thank you for a brief moment of heaven.

  17. It is such a shame sheets don't take on the sweet smell of grass when hung out in the desert! If the wind blows, the sheets pick up a fine dust. I am envious for sure. Reminds me of playing in the backyard at my grandparents home in Calif.We would run into the hanging sheets arms wide open and then the fabric would trail over our heads and we would head back again and again until we got in trouble from our Nana. Beautiful!

  18. Can't wait until I can hang my sheets on the line. There's nothing like that outdoorsy scent!


  19. I'm counting down the weeks until I can hang my bedding out to dry. My line hangs above the veggie patch, so there's something appealingly tomato vine-esque about the scent of my linens in summer.

    I'm so with you on the simple white bed linens! Lovely, lovely room, you!



  20. Your bedroom looks so fresh and inviting. I bet you both sleep great.

    Once upon a time, I tried to dry my clothes outside. But with the dogs and dust, the and the bugs, it just didn't pan out. Too bad! I know it's so good for the environment and power bill.

  21. Beautiful fresh linen - love this look, Janet. Your roses are amazing! Line drying is my method of drying too - I don't own a tumble dryer. (p.s. your headache comment made me smile!!) XX

  22. Oh I'm a white linen girl too Janet. No fuss white sheets always look fresh and clean. I love your bedroom, simple and cosy.
    It's interesting to read the comments from northern hemisphere folk who dream of hanging washing outside. Down here we hang out all washing on a clothes line year round and my dryer is rarely used.

  23. Hi darl, pls post lots of spring garden snaps. I put every item of wash in the dryer- I love it how we are opposite and can be friends. Your room is so tranquil and peaceful and soothing x

  24. bonnie - you are not alone. but i think we may be in the minority.

    lct - it seems hanging laundry seems to evoke lots of childhood memories.

    claudia - they sure can't bottle it can they?

    kristia - i think that's what so great about it, all the summer scents.

    adrienne - thanks and every litle bit helps re utilities here in the summer.

    sarah - i could sell my dryer and wouldn't miss it. can you relate to my joke?

    anne marie - i too find the comments from around the world so interesting. thanks.

    ff - they say opposites attract and we are a perfect example. xo

  25. I love your bedroom. The curtains are beuatiful.

    I now want flowers in my laundry garden. Actually, it is so revoltingly dusty and dry here that flowers in any garden would be lovely....

  26. Beautiful, Janet! How nice too that you have a laundry garden. What a luxury. I love white bed linens too.

  27. Your bedroom is so serene and calm. Beautiful. Remind me to show you my laundry garden. When I get one.

  28. farmers wife - i'd trade your farm for my place any day.

    deborah - thanks. i never thought of it as a luxury before. can you imagine that the couple that lived here for 65 yrs prior to me - this was there only laundry.

    deb - this is why i love you. you kill me.

  29. I am getting to you late today...thank you for the shot of roses and white linens...a tonic for my soul!
    I am guessing that your serene bedroom is conducive to sleep and meditative moments.

  30. Love this post, I have been following your blog for a while.I was excited to know that you are from so cal.I too live in a quite small home and can relate. I love an all white bed too. I have tried buying a colorful coverlet and ended up returning it, it was too much color for my taste. I must ask, where did you get your toile curtains? Love them, love the way they look with the shades. Please share

  31. leslie = thank you and hope your weather will be warming soon.

    tea cozy house - thank you for following and the curtains come from lowes! i think they are still carrying them too.

  32. I am so tired I just want to lie down in your bedroom with your flower smelling sheets and go to sleep.

    house swap?

    xo jane

  33. ha ha- so funny the comment about the roses on the husband's side of the bed- I am the same! (stingey!)

  34. jane - you deserve a good rest and yes - let's swap!

    slim - nice you picked up on that. hehe.

  35. I'm a white linen girl myself!! Love that shot of the flowers in the "laundry garden!"

  36. Hi Janet, I do all white linens, too. And only four pillows. I do add a colorful small pillow that my daughter made for me, though. And drying outside! It's just now getting reliably warm enough outside to start thinking about doing that again, here. Beautiful pics, as usual!

  37. I'm a white sheet girl too. With four fluffy down pillows!

    LOOOVE your roses! It will be another month or so before mine bloom. Then the challenge becomes keeping the japanese beetles off of them! I have a new plan this year so, fingers crossed, I can keep them blooming all summer!

  38. What a lovely bedroom, so serene and the roses by the bed are wonderful, I like roses best of all flowers.xxx

  39. joan - i know you are. your last pic was gorgeous.

    karin - spring hurry up!

    cashmere librarian - oh i love a good plan!

    blights - thanks love.

  40. I live in the mountains of NC and my job has me sitting and chatting with "Old Timers" daily.. and I want to share a tip I picked up on. I was told that if you take banana peels and lay them around the base of your rose bush, that they'll just explode with blooms. I haven't tried it, but I plan to!

  41. kathleen - a couple of people told me that too and i can't believe i have i had forgotten it. last year we did do that. not to all of them but to quite a few. i just dug them under a little bit right at the base of the rose. i wonder if that is what's helping. i've also had a few senior citizens tell me that epsom salts do the trick too. ask around wouldya? thanks for sharing and reminding me!

  42. I have washing line envy. I hung my linen on my rosemary bushes to dry today, I read somewhere that's what the Elizabethans did to scent their linens. It worked, but the bugs like the linen too :o

  43. Oh so gorgeous! When I was a little girl in elementary school, my grandmother's neighbor had a rose garden. At the beginning of each new school year, she would give me a great big bouquet of roses for my teacher. My teacher's all liked me very much. :-)
    I love this post. I can smell those air dried sheets...heaven! -Suzanne in Illinois

  44. I'm with you- my bedding must be white. That room looks so inviting- gorgeous x

  45. I totally agree...all white bedding for me - clean and chic!! Nothing is as beautiful as the simplicity of gorgeous flowers. Your room looks so lovely - Happy Friday!!

  46. I so love your simplicity and minimalist style my dear!!!! Don´t think that because I have too much stuff at home I don´t appreciate your style, I do and love it!!!
    hugs dear Janet

  47. I so agree with the white linens. One of my 'rules' to simplicity my life is to always stick with white lines, white underwear, & white towels!



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