ivy covered houses

A few houses in my neighborhood that are covered in ivy and other greenery.

I love this one with the porthole window on the left.

This wisteria covered porch is my favorite.


  1. Janet, Those houses are beautiful. You see a lot of that in California and I love it. Hugs, Connie

  2. The second photo speaks to me. Wow. What a great place.

  3. I've always loved ivy covered homes - they are so lovely.

  4. Oh yes, I love ivy on a house. It's so English, so cozy cottage. I've been thinking of growing some ivy on the dining patio...wonder what the best kind is? Those look different than your standard English Ivy - so pretty! ; ) Trina

  5. Looks nice, a shame it is slowly killing the even nicer architecture.


kindness is never out of style.

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