Got rid of the pottery barn shelf & grouped the art close together. I think I like it better. What do you think?
~ small change
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~ the office
It's hard to describe how awful this little room was when we got here. It's very small and a heavy smoker lived in this room. The walls were coated with a brown goop that was nicotine. We painted it 3 times with BM Aura paint and then thought we would be better off with the paint fumes from regular paint. Anything to cover the smell. It eventually went away. There was a closet and a room with a toilet in there also. You could barely sit down and close the door. So we closed off one door and enlarged the closet to accommodate a stackable washer and dryer and a sink and toilet. I will try to take pictures but it is so small it is very difficult. Click on the pictures for the details.
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~ laundry garden
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~ descanso gardens
me, in heaven
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~ tip of the day
When we got here we knew there were roses, but the rose garden was a tangled, half dead mess. After a year and a half, we were able to save almost every single one. In this area there are 66. I'm glad we didn't give up.
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~ the porch
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~ cost of my kitchen renovation
kitchen cabinets (includes all baseboards, crown moulding and rebuilding pantry 4k
countertops (honed black granite) 2k
viking range 4k
kohler farmhouse sink 1k
vintage faucet 300.
backsplash (white subway) 300.
flooring (2x2 hex tile) 1400.
total 13k
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~ house colors
When I have a problem and don't have a solution I usually turn to experts. My dilemma, the color of the exterior of my house. I turned to expert gardener, Tara Dillard. She has the amazing blog, LANDSCAPE DESIGN DECORATING STYLING, get to it here ... Her knowledge is vast, her designs incredible but her advice is soulful. What a killer combination! I'm sure you will agree when you read her response to my question below.
Dear Tara,
We just finised renovating the interior of a small cottage built in 1890. The interior is done mostly in white with black accents. Here is the dilemma. The exterior is painted red. It is very charming and I don't even have to tell people my address, everyone knows the little red cottage in the park. BUT, I've always wanted to live in a white house with black accents and red roses growing up the sides. People will be heartbroken if I paint this house, but I'm 51 and I'm planning to stay here forever. Do I respect history or do I live for myself? Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Tara.
Tara's Response...
Architecturally/historically your colors, white-black, are correct. Check plus. Next, you're making the choice from a deep well of passion. Colors that make you happy. Someone did that at your home, hence the red. Respect history by making a passionate color choice too. Paint the house white with black accents. It's obvious you love this house. When you paint it your colors and plant your garden/landscape your home won't be, The house that used to be red. It will become, The white garden cottage in the park. People sense passion. It's already in your words. Soon it will be in your garden.
XO Tara
I LOVE this woman! I am so comfortable with her answer. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Tara. Now I have work to do...