Closet Inspiration

I am sitting here waiting for the guys from Closet World to get here and install my closet.  I'm so excited I feel like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for everyone to wake up.  I have a lot of expectations about this and historically that doesn't work out so well for me. 😬

The above photo is a pairing of Michael Kors velvet mules that I happened upon at TJ Maxx while looking for hangers.  I thought they would work well for the holiday/birthday season so I splurged and paid the $30 for them.  I have paired them here with an old vintage green sweater and a little clutch that I had made by a gal on Etsy with the fabric I purchased in London at the Designers Guild store.

I thought I'd share some of my favorite closet inspiration photos that I have collected for years while I'm patiently waiting.



Checking In On November Goals

1.  Hanging the mirror over the bed.  Done.  It wasn't easy but it took less than a minute.  Haha.  We put a nail in the darkest part of the wallpaper pattern and to be honest, I can't even see it - and I know where it is.  Granted I'm blind.

2.  Closet World is coming on Thursday to install a custom closet here.  To say I'm happy would be the understatement of the year.  We've been here 10 years and I've waxed and waned over this idea since the start.  I will do a detailed post, including costs for you.  Meanwhile I'm on pins and needles - in a good way.

3.  Having Thanksgiving at a restaurant was such a great idea.  Unfortunately our plans changed because L got sick.  Actually he was severely dehydrated from a long hard hike that morning.  He's just now feeling normal today.  It was scary and a good lesson about staying hydrated that's for sure.

4.  My shopping list is made and I have exactly 3 gift cards to pick up.  That's it.  😁

5.  As you can probably guess, I'm having trouble with making gift guides.  It's hard for me to encourage shopping, esp this time of year because it's being shoved down our throats already and I don't want to add to that.  I did find some lovely things and I will try to get over my anxiety and just publish it. 

Hope your goals are coming right along.  x


Your Moment of Zen

Are you being enticed out to the sales today?  I will confess to making a couple of online clicks myself today.  But if you are home and keeping your green in your pocketbook maybe you'd love a moment, a deep breath of gorgeous green.  A short, beautiful film by Dunn Edwards celebrating the color of 2018.



Last Minute Table Inspiration and Outfit Ideas

So the day is here and there's no going back.  On the east coast you may already have guests arriving.  I thought I'd throw together a quick post on some last minute ideas that may help out. 

If you are running out of room (like I always do), put a table outside and throw a blanket on it...voila! 

Jeans and a Pendleton always work.

Running out of bowls?  Use teacups or mugs

A cozy sweater, jeans and boots.  Maybe not the rake.

Go for a walk instead of talking politics

Shove a table and chairs in another room if needed

Move the refrigerator??!!

Most of all, have a wonderful day whatever you are doing.  Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for always being here, always giving me support and for all your lovely comments.  This blog is absolutely nothing without you all. xoxo janet

What I Wish I were Wearing on Thanksgiving

This 100% silk dress by Ganni is still on my sidebar of Favorite Things.  It's now on sale for 30% off and because I'm going to a beautiful restaurant for Thanksgiving instead of sweating in my own kitchen (temps are supposed to be in the 90's here) I would love nothing more than to be wearing this.  I'd put my hair up in a messy bun and wear my slingbacks.  How pretty would that be?

Or This one from Ganni - also 100% silk, also 30% off.  Because we finally pulled the trigger and are having a custom closet put in, this will sadly not be hanging in it 😞.  BUT I know how grateful I am that I am getting this closet makeover.  OMG, it will be a game-changer for storage in this house.  So I will stop whining any minute now.

But still... 😬
What are you wearing on Thanksgiving?  Details please. x


November Garden

I planted these chrysanthemums 3 years ago for Alex and B's wedding and so far they keep coming back.  It's hard not to remember that beautiful day when they come into bloom. 

They really brighten up an otherwise tired landscape this time of year.  I have so much work to do still regarding other garden areas.  Namely the rose garden which I will do a separate post on.
Lots of decisions for that area.

Do any of you remember Alex and B's wedding we had here?  If not or if you are new, I included a video link of the day.  I'm still struck by how frugal the whole affair was.  And the house was red then!


Signature Gift Wrap

There is one thing I rarely spend money on and that is gift wrap.  I know people who have entire gift wrap stations and even wrapping rooms. My gift wrap is contained in the drawer of the above desk.  I wrap all my gifts the same for all occasions, white paper and black ribbon.  Sometimes I'll use a white bag in which case I'll put their initial on the bag too.  I never get bored of this combo and I think it looks quite chic all while being very cost effective.

I save all white or off white paper I come across in my daily life and then wrap it up with either this black twine or a prettier black ribbon.

I've reused this bag to Alex a zillion times!  I believe this is an old Pottery Barn bag but I just sharpied it out until I got to the A.  😁  That's my signature wrap.  What kind of wrapper are you?  Fancy or plain?  x


Don't Overlook the Men's Department

Whenever I enter a 2nd hand shop I always look in the men's department first.  Traditionally menswear is not loaded with fast fashion.  The styles are much more traditional, the fabrics are almost always superior and the cost is less.  I found this white sweater last year at our local Goodwill.  The tag was cut out so I don't know the brand but my guess would be Nordstrom or a similar store because of the weight and fabric.

Underneath the sweater is a Hanes V-neck Tee.  These are indispensable to me.  I wear them with everything from gardening to yoga.

The pants are Wrangler mens size 31.  I had no idea I'd love the fit so well but I do.  So don't rule out the men for tee's, pants and shirts.  Would you or do you shop in this department?  Share all your shopping secrets below please. xo

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Gift Idea #1 - Beauty in a Blender

Can a blender change your life?  Probably not but it certainly can improve it.  I put off buying this blender for years because mine seemed adequate to me.  And besides, a $500 blender is a huge splurge for us but Oh. My. God, there is just no comparison. Did you know that 80% of the nutrition in an apple is in the core and seeds?  I didn't.  It's that way with most fruits and vegetables.  My old blender was strong and I thought sufficient but ladies and gentleman, this is the rock star of the blending world.

Each morning I make a smoothie that's full of apples, pears and pineapple with the cores included.  A banana for some sweetness and potassium and tons of greens that are full of vitamins and minerals.

Dinner has been hot soups that you make right in the blender too. The speed is so fast that it actually heats the soup.  It's considered a raw soup because it does not get over 140 degrees, so again nutrients are flooding your system.

I've always maintained that the best way to beautiful skin is through what we eat and this blender brings it to a whole new level.  It's impossible to get all the nutrients from the whole food itself because our teeth cannot break down the cores and stems of the whole fruit like the Vitamix does.  Thus we pass most of the vitamins and minerals through our digestive system without the body getting all that good nutrition.  The ingredients are so pulverized by the Vitamix that the smoothie never separates either. The end result is as thick and creamy as you like it.  I'm mostly blending apples, oranges, cucumbers and spinach atm.

Oh yes, and I'm now making my own almond milk.  Just one cup of pre-soaked almonds to about 6 cups of water.  Blend for 60 seconds and I'm done.  No separating the mixture through a nutbag.  I have more than enough almond milk to last a week.  It's incredible.

This is the exact model of mine.  Although this one is a refurbished model, which I'm sure is guaranteed too.  Look around and find one that fits you best!

We  did purchase ours from Amazon and as you'll see there are many models and different sizes to choose from. 

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November Goals

I can hardly believe it is already November.  Time is flying way too fast.  I'm going to keep it as simple as possible this month.

1.  Hang the mirror in our bedroom.  Putting a hole in the wallpaper is not going to be easy but I'm ready. 😌

2.  I'm considering having the closet in our bedroom organized by California Closets.  In our old home we had them come in and redesign the existing master bedroom closet and it was pretty fabulous.  I think it could be pretty fab here too.  Going to schedule a consult.

3.  Deciding where to have Thanksgiving.  We are going to do whatever L's dad wants this year.  He'll be 88 soon and we want him to be as comfortable as possible.  This may mean we will be eating at a restaurant and I'm not hating that idea.

4.  Make my Christmas shopping list.  I believe we are only buying for grandchildren starting this year and I'm not hating this idea either.

5.  I'm wondering if you all would like me to put together some Christmas gift posts.  I know everyone does these things but I think it could be fun.  Let me know.

The weather has finally turned and it feels so good to be wearing flannel shirts, so cozy, and boots.  x

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5 Fantastic Thanksgiving Side Dishes

I was invited by my sweet friend Annie to participate in her Thanksgiving side dish round up.  Annie is the best, she has helped and encouraged me so much with my blog I'm so happy to play along. I've always wanted to try roasting butternut squash to see if it makes that much of a difference in the flavor of soup, so I chose this as my side dish, and btw, it makes a difference!

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

1 butternut squash
1/2 onion
Veggie broth 2-4 cups
Almond milk (optional)
1-2 teaspoons Ground Ginger

To roast the squash, slice it into quarters and scoop out the seeds. Place it cut side down on a baking sheet and roast it at 375 degrees for 1/2 hour.  It should be fork tender by then but if not continue until it is.

In a soup pot...

Saute the onion in a little water  (oil if you must) til soft

Add the roasted, peeled and diced squash

Season with salt and pepper and a pinch or 2 of ground ginger

Add about 2-3 cups of vegetable broth.  You will have to decide how thick or thin you want it so the amount is up to you.  My squash was pretty big so I used 3 cups veggie broth and while blending I added 1 cup almond milk

Once it it heated through you can use an immersion blender or transfer to blender carefully and pulse til you've reached your desired consistency.

That's it. Roasting the squash definitely deepens the flavor of this soup. It's hearty and healthy!

I plan to serve this as my first course on Thanksgiving day in tea cups just like I did in 2012.

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