the best mothering advice i ever got and pancakes!

happy mother's day weekend to you all.

when i was a young mom there wasn't a lot of books to read about mothering like there are today.  of course there was no internet either.  the best advice i ever got as a new mom came from a quote and i can't even remember who said it.  but i never forgot it and tried my best to live up to it.

"mother's aren't for leaning on, but rather for making leaning unnecessary."

nowadays that sounds kind of cold-hearted, doesn't it?

my own sons don't call me much these days.  that's ok with me b/c i didn't call my mom much at their age either.  i didn't want advice at that age, i wanted to spread my wings and live life how i wanted.  i'm grateful they don't call me with every little thing.  i'm proud that they make their own decisions and live with the consequences.  they have all made their share of mistakes but that is how character is built.
i am super proud of all of them.

ok, from moms to pancakes...

i know i have posted a lot of recipes for pancakes and you are probably thinking that's all i eat.
the truth is i just really love making them on the weekend.  and mother's day weekend wouldn't be right without them.  i've shared a couple of recipes here before
but i'm telling you forget them, this recipe is the one.

thanks to the alkaline sisters i am learning to work spelt into my recipes.
after reading the following and doing some research of my own, i'm hooked on spelt.

"If you aren’t familiar with spelt flour you’ll be happy to learn that it is far superior to white flour and even whole wheat in that it is a much smaller crop and not a stored grain, therefore leaving it free from the long term effects of grains in storage that are prone to developing molds that end up in your flour bag.  Although spelt is not gluten free it is packed with good fiber, niacin(B3), protein and lots of manganese, a key mineral found in our bodies in a minimal amount.  Manganese ensures healthy bones, good absorption of calcium, proper function of your thyroid, regulates blood sugar, and many more intricate functions for a healthy body." - the alkaline sisters

spelt vanilla pancakes

1 cup organic spelt flour
2 tbsp aluminum free baking powder
1/8 tsp fine himalayan salt
1 cup almond milk
1 tbsp agave syrup
2 tbsp cold pressed sunflower oil
1 1/2 tsp pure alcohol free vanilla
coconut oil for the pan

i measure the dry ingredients and then add the wet ingredients, mix gently and let the batter rise a few minutes while you prepare the griddle with a small amount of coconut oil.  once the pan is ready then i give the batter a quick mix and make them just like traditional pancakes.  
it is practically raining strawberries around here and they pair perfectly with them.

wishing you all a lovely weekend and a very happy mother's day.



  1. I love spelt, I make two spelt loaves every week but I normally use white flour for my pancakes which I eat at least twice a week just now - I never used to like pancakes but I love the big fat squidgy American style ones.

    1. do you add white flour to the spelt bread? i've been experimenting and if i don't use some white flour then the bread is flat as a pancake. it still tastes good but it is flat.

  2. That was great advice! sometimes I think I should have made my kids needy but in reality I am glad they have happy independent lives.
    Love your blog!

  3. "Spelt is an ancient relative of modern wheat. First cultivated over 9,000 years ago. Spelt warrants a mention in the book of Ezekiel in the bible, as well as being favoured by mystics and herbalists throughout history. Legend has it that the Roman army called spelt their 'marching grain'."

    Taken from the packet of Wholegrain Spelt Flour by Doves Farm (Organic) here in England.

    We use it all the time - makes lovely bread and cakes.

  4. Meant to say that - at least in England - we can buy wholegrain and white spelt and we mix these for bread.

  5. Just added spelt flour to my grocery list! Love Anna's English quote on spelt, very cool.
    Also love your insight about mothering and wish I could prescribe to that thinking a bit more. My husband constantly tells me that I coddle our daughter. Of course it's out of the deepest love that I've ever known, but perhaps mixed in with a small dose of guilt. Blame it on my generation I guess, ha! ;)

    Happy Mother's Day and big hugs to you Janet.

    1. t, i totally understand. it took awhile for me to learn that sometimes not giving in, not rescuing and allowing them to figure out the answers to their problems is a powerful form of love. xo

    2. What beautiful and wise advice on mothering. When my children were young, I asked a friend mine, mom to five very different but equally bright, passionate, grounded, young adults about parenting her own fine brood. She replied "that our job as mothers is to provide the scaffolding for our children to grow."
      Thank you for your timely advice, as my oldest will be returning home for the summer tonight after his first year away at college. Funny... this post has have given me food for thought on good parenting as well as a recipe for my favorite food (for breakfast that is)! I’ll be trying your healthy, yummy looking recipe tomorrow morning. Happy Mother’s Day to you too!

    3. Whoops. I think that I accidentally added my comment using the reply button instead of the add a comment box.

  6. I love your view of parenting. I work in education and have been trying to counter the effects of helicopter parents for years.

  7. I love that last pancake recipe you gave out, so this one better be really good! More importantly, I think we're on the same page as regards to child rearing. I have two strong, independent daughters today that I am so proud of too.

  8. I got hooked on spelt when I did a cleanse a few years back. I'm definitely going to try this recipe, cuz I just bought a whole bunch of strawberries. I like the thought of independent children, but I really don't mind if mine lean on me sometimes. I'm feeling like a meany Janet. Rosanne

  9. Hope you have a happy Mother's Day!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Happy Mother's Day, Janet. I like your advice and although I don't have children, I laughed at Linda's "helicopter parents" comment. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Dear Janet, all the ingredients that keep my gut content - I'll be making your pancakes this weekend! And that is a good parenting quote, an attitude that my parents believed in, as I do. Have a Happy Mother's Day!

  13. Those are wise words indeed, Janet! You sound like a brilliant mum! Have a fab weekend. x

  14. Those are some pretty tempting looking pancakes. I am trying to stick with fresh fruit and a small dollop of yogurt until I shed some weight.
    I'll keep your recipe in mind.
    That does sound like a harsh quote but it's very wise...we are not going to be there 24/7 so why not prepare our offspring for living life independently?
    I actually have to force myself not to call my kids as often or I'd be saying hi each and every day.
    Enjoy your weekend Janet.

  15. Strawberries have made their way to the Midwest from your fields, so they'll be on the menu here, too!

    My relationship with my 30-yr-old son couldn't be better, thanks in great part of allowing him the dignity of a fellow adult, bit by bit, as soon as he could handle it. I'm always there for advice and help, and he's there for me, too, but we have our own lives. Of course I often have to fight my innate motherly clingy-ness, but the benefits are worth it, including a great relationship with his wife. How did I know to do this? I did just the opposite of what my own parents did, because I wanted something better and healthier.

    Happy, Happy Mother's Day, Janet :)

  16. Regarding kis and parenting, I like "When children are small, give them roots, later give them wings".

  17. Great advice, Janet ! It is tempting to always want to be there to guide and reassure ; it is also difficult to let go when children turn to you first in times of trouble. Your quote will help me to try and reach that elusive balance ! Your pancakes = yummy !!

  18. Thank you for sharing your parenting perspective! I have three grown kids, all living independently, all well-adjusted, and all make their way to see us often enough. I notice that our daughter-in-law is on the phone at least daily with her mom (who doesn't live near) and I've sometimes secretly wondered if I'm an inattentive mom to my own two grown daughters (who don't call much either) because I'm not calling them every day to ask about every little thing in their lives. I feel affirmed today, reading your blog.

    The pancakes look wonderful...I know nothing about spelt and am allergic to strawberries, but I'd willingly give these a try with a fat pat of butter and some agave syrup. Blessings ~ Lina

  19. I love your advice, especially from a mom of boys! I am striving to be the same type of mom that you are. Happy Mother's Day!

  20. This is beautiful parental advice and something I totally agree with. I was much more a helicopter parent for my now 23yo than my little one and I don't know if this is the reason, but sometimes my 9yo seems more independent than her sister.
    I make pancakes every Sunday.

  21. Hi nice to meet you, I came through AJC, that is the best advice ever. I am a great believer in independence.

  22. Happy Mother's Day to you, Janet! That is good advice you recieved, and you are right we, as moms, should teach ourselves right out of a job! I am fortunate that our sons work for us so I pretty much see them every them? No way! Be grateful and thankful every day I see them? You bet!

  23. Janet, this is exactly what i needed to hear today. Am struggling with empty nest syndrome as both my boys are now in college and mistakes they are making are breaking my heart. Its hard to watch but i'm trying to keep my mouth shut. I am from florida but right now am sitting in a hotel in arcadia, ca. I think that may be near you. I wanted to tell you just how beautiful it is here. The flowers everywhere are gorgeous! Roses don't grow in fl like they do here. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Happy Mothers Day to you.

  24. Will have to try that recipe! The best mothering advice I've gotten is, 'Prepare your child for the path, not the path for your child.'. Happy Mother's Day!

  25. Your pancake recipe sounds good Janet. I never baked pancakes with spelt flour before, but I think I will try it. Have to go to a special store first though. We can't buy it in supermarket.

    Wish you a Happy Mothers day!

    Madelief x

  26. Hello Janet:
    As we do not have children, and our mothers are, sadly, long dead, Mothering Sunday, as it is in the United Kingdom, now somewhat passes us by. But we applaud you attitude to your own sons who are, we are sure, totally well adjusted as a result of how you have been, and are, with them.

  27. Just wanted you to know I may not often comment, but I almost always read your posts. I appreciate your sensibilities, as well as your aesthetic. And you're a good photographer to boot (: Happiest of Mother's Days to you.

  28. Happy Mother's Day and enjoy those pancakes!

  29. "mother's aren't for leaning on, but rather for making leaning unnecessary."

    not cold-hearted at all - i think it means if we do a good job of mothering then we work ourselves out of a job! i'm not a mother but i taught elementary school and i have friends & relatives who have had children. i saw many times the mothers doing too much for their kids and the message was "you are not competent"...that's not a message you want to send your child.

    i use a mixture of spelt and other flours sometimes to make bread! Am going to make those yummy pancakes!
    Happy Mother's Day Janet!

  30. Happy Mother's Day! Janet, how many sons do you have?

  31. Happy Mother's Day Janet!

    We are having pancakes tomorrow as well, except I'm cheating and making Organic Buckwheat Pancakes from a mix. With strawberries on top too...:)


  32. This is my first time visiting your lovely blog! I am glad to meet you! Your pancakes looks delicious…I have never used spelt but I am going to give it a try! Happy Mother’s Day!

  33. Great blog structure.

    I would love to follow your beautiful blog! <3 maybe we can follow each other?

  34. My son's love of his life is a young lady who is even more bull-headed and big-hearted as I am--And I'd like to think I had something to do with him not being afraid of a woman who is strong-- :-)

  35. Thx for the recipe! I follow the alkaline sisters too :)

    Love the quote about motherhood. I think it is the hardest thing watch your children make their own mistakes but that is how they grow.

    Happy day!

  36. Thanx again for sharing yet another recipe with your generous readers who are popping by my blog for a peek and a hello:) I missed this post as I've been swamped with my Nutrition school studies. I'm almost done tho, only 7 weeks to go and counting! Luuuving it but so want to be home again with my family for the summer:) Thank you again:)


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