Easy Fall Outfit

Yesterday was cold.  Well cold-ish but enough that I got to wear my herringbone jacket.  And it's going to be chilly all week so it looks like summer is finally over.

I've had this jacket for about a decade now and it's still a favorite.  A black t-shirt and wranglers complete my look.  So easy and simple even I can do it.  What's your easiest, simple look?  x

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Checking in on October Goals

my neighbors garden wall

I'm really loving this monthly goals thing because I'm getting it done.  Nagging things that are so easy to put off are getting checked off and that's amazing. This here's my list from last month and below is what has gotten done.

1.  Working in the garden, check.  It is actually looking quite ravishing.  All the salvia is in bloom and so are the mums.  I've even had some roses bloom. The back and side yards really are nothing to brag about right now tho. 😬

2.  Thanksgiving table and menu ideas.  Check.  I shared my ideas for an outdoor thanksgiving here and tested/cooked up two dishes I plan to share. One was a big hit and the other was 50/50 but I loved it so I'll post the recipes this coming week.

3.  Clean, polish and store summer shoes and bags.  Done.  I always love doing this while taking stock of what I've got.  I did wind up returning the beautiful Frances Valentine Bee bag because it was just too big for me.  I really loved it but in the end I think I made the right decision.

4.  Yoga Wear.  I haven't done anything about this.  I'm just using what I've got and it's ok.  I have my eye out tho.😉

5.  Listing things on eBay.  I have listed a few things but I have many more to do.  The things I've listed are somewhat high-end/high price for a collector or someone passionate about vintage.  These things take longer to sale than normal so I will be patient.

November is a busy month right?  So much to do on top of the dailies.  I'm working on my list and I can't wait to share it with you.  How did you do with your goals/lists this month?

How to wash a Slipcover II

Hello there.  This past week I washed the slipcovers and did something a little different.  You can read how I've been washing them right here in this post from 2010! The sofa is this Pottery Barn Basic, we've had it now for over 10 years and the cover was starting to look dingy.  The creases near the rolled arm were not coming clean like they used to.  I happened upon a small bottle of Tide at the .99 store and decided to give it a try and all I can say is wow.  Just wow.  The slipcovers came out so clean!  So I thought I'd share this with you.

The first thing I do is remove the slipcovers and always wash the bottom or body slipcover first.

But this time before I removed the slipcover I spot treated with Tide Simply Clean and Fresh detergent and washed them in cold water on the normal setting with the same Tide detergent.

I hang it on the clothesline to dry and then proceed to the cushion covers.  It was really hot last week so they dried in under and hour.

I always put the covers back on slightly damp because they are stretchier when damp and also because I can smooth out most of the wrinkles.

So really it's the same procedure as I always follow but I just amped up the cleaning power.  You can get the Tide Simply Clean and Fresh detergent here.  I have no idea if this is a harmful detergent or not, all I know is that my slipcover is like brand new again so that's something for you to consider before trying it.  xo


Saturday Saturday

Charlotte Moss makes shoes!

NY Times with Frances Mcdormand on women aging.

Starting Over with Bernie Madoff's ex daughter in law

I'll take this New York Brownstone

Why have I never thought to add a black silk shirt to my wardrobe?

Have a lovely weekend.  xo

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I am republishing this post because I am still obsessed with Sara's closet and find the whole topic fascinating.  Side note, I still have and do wear everything I'm wearing in the above photo.  Sorry but all the shopping links in the post have expired but all would be easy to find.  Enjoy!

I'm still obsessed by Sara's closet.  I wish I could say that mine was similar but it isn't.  My closet is still filled with a lot of what ifs and maybes.  What if I need this someday?  Maybe if I lose weight, it'll fit?  And that is why Sara's closet appeals to me.  It's pared down to the essential, frugal, elegant, orderly.

So here I am today in the opposite, black.  I wear black to work and some of you have asked to see exactly what I wear.  I alternate days in flats with days in heels for the health of my arches.

Pant - These Who What Wear Cropped Flares
I still love these pants and am thrilled that they are keeping them in stock throughout their seasonal changes.  They are so perfect for work and weekend things.  $29
I'm intrigued by these from American Giant tho.

Tee - Here is a whole page of great Tee's or for cheaper versions try, Thisthis or this.

Boots - These boots from Everlane are so incredibly comfortable. I can wear them all day at work and my feet stay happy. 

My handbag is a old Gucci I found at a thrift store on my way to Palm Springs.  The proprietor looked just like Ralph Lauren, remember that?

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4 Ingredient Pasta

pasta - anything you have will do
olive oil - just a drizzle
1-2 pints fresh tomatoes
1 garlic clove - crushed

Seriously how easy can this get?  Throw 1 or 2 pints of cherry tomatoes on a baking sheet with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper.  Roast for about 20 minutes at 375 degrees or until soft and slightly blackened.

Meanwhile the pasta is cooking til al dente.  Toss the pasta with the roasted tomatoes and a fresh crushed clove of garlic.  Sit and enjoy. x

Chic but not Vain

Re-publishing this because I still find it fascinating and full of inspiration.

I'm so late on this one but nevertheless, so glad I found it. Would you/could you wear all white all the time?  This is a fabulous little film and links about a woman who turned 60 and reinvented herself.  I'm inspired by her transformation,singlemindedness and commitment to her style.  There are lessons for all of us in this.

The restraint she had is truly a thing of beauty, and I'm fascinated by every detail and want to know more. Let's discuss in the comments!

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October Garden

We've been working quite a bit on all areas of the garden.  So far we've (he) trimmed a lot of the trees and bushes back.  Tons of weeding has taken place and lots and lots of pruning.  So much more still needs to be done but I will wait til January because I love using the branches and any available flowers throughout the holiday season.  So other than watering and a bit of feeding I think mission accomplished.  I say that knowing that when I next step foot out there a job will present itself.  So basically it's never done. 😂

Caring for my Accessories

Whether my accessories are brand new or very old, I treat them all the same...with loving care.  I really do.  If something is good enough to make it into my small house then you better believe I love it and treat it with respect.  Every season I take stock of what I wore and what I didn't.  And just because I didn't wear something this season doesn't mean I don't love it, it may be that I just wasn't feeling it this year.  I've had a lot of my clothes for decades now and they come in and out of my radar in different ways.

I always wipe down all my bags I've worn and will even go so far as to vacuum the insides to get rid of any dust that may have accumulated.  I stuff them with tissue paper and put them in a dust bag and store them in my armoire.  Shoes get a similar treatment. They all get cleaned with warm sudsy water and even the soles are wiped down.  Sandals get wrapped in tissue paper and stored in a special box in my closet until next year.  This year I rarely wore any t-strap flat sandals.  I mostly wore 2 pair of block heel slides.

This is the first new handbag I've bought in ages.  Something about that Bee and the colors got my attention and I kept coming back to the Frances Valentine website until one day it was 70% off.  I look forward to using it next spring and summer.  Do tell how you care for your accessories bc as usual I learn something new from you. x

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What do you Actually Spend on Clothing?

What a question right? I can remember a time when I would not be able to even look at those numbers.  According to this article we will each spend between $1800-$4200 per year on clothing and accessories. The article further details why we shop. I was disappointed that shopping for the love of fashion was not a category.  I've certainly shopped for many reasons but I happen to just love fashion. I love truffling around 2nd hand shops and vintage stores but almost always leave empty handed.  Finding old garments and admiring the workmanship, fabric and design is my idea of a great day.

The above outfit is a good mix of how I dress on most days.  The shirt is a boys oxford from the Goodwill that was $3.  The old oxford fabric is so incredibly soft.  Finding fabrics like that today is downright hard.  For Christmas a couple of years ago I ordered an oxford shirt from a high-end retailer and was so disappointed in the fabric that I sent it back.  Two weeks later I found this one at the GW.  The pants are the Who What Wear Cropped Flares from Target for $29.  They are great work pants, indestructible, hide oil stains and are comfy.  The shoes are Naturalizer kitten heels that I've had for decades.  The bag is my newest and biggest purchase this year from Frances Valentine.

This is what I've spent so far this year.

Vintage Gold Silk Blouse $12
Cole Hahn Block Heel Sandal $6
White Linen Trousers $2.50
Who What Wear Bardot Dress $35 (similar)
Vintage Brown Trousers $10
Vintage Wrangler Jeans $8
Gucci Loafers $16
White Painters Pant $8
Blush Target Tee $10 (here)
Who What Wear Cropped Flares $29 (here)
Green Vintage Sweater $2
Frances Valentine Handbag $160 (similar)

Total $304.50 EDITED - I returned the FV handbag so that brings my total for the year to $144.50

How about you?  Can you tally the numbers?  Yikes!


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5 Fall Tablescapes you Can Try Before Thanksgiving

I was invited by the lovely Cindy Hattersley of Rough Luxe to participate in her Thanksgiving Table Post.  I normally don't do these types of things but I figured it would force me to start getting ready for my own Thanksgiving and perhaps give you the push you need too!

My whole look starts with this amazing antique farm table that I got from Alex.  Isn't it good?  I could throw some plates and cuttings from the garden on it and I'd be done. And guess what, that's pretty much what I did. I wanted to use some blush (of course) instead of the traditional Thanksgiving colors. I'm in love with that look.  I did purchase the new Pottery Barn napkins because I just love the linen/cotton blend and they will blend in nicely with my existing napkins.  I can even envision them at Christmas.  I hope you enjoy what I've put together and maybe you can use some of my ideas or those of the other talented bloggers who are participating.  At the end of my post you will find links to their blogs.

Oneida American Harmony Flatware

Check these lovely ladies out!

         Most Lovely Things                  Nesting With Grace 
         Classic Casual Home                    Rough Luxe

And if you'd like to add any of my Fall table ideas to your home here are some links...xo

American Harmony Flatware
Pottery Barn Napkins
Soup Tureen
Soup Bowls
Antique American Farm Table

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Have I ever mentioned how much I love living in Redlands? 😁
We went to an estate sale on Sunday, left empty handed then realized I matched the field across the road.  I love wearing camel with white.  While some of you can wear gray, I cannot.  Camel warms my skin and gives me some color, whereas gray absolutely drains me.  So to each their own!

The weather here has been glorious, unlike the news.  What is happening to our world? Between politics, Equifax, earthquakes, hurricanes, mass shootings and losing Tom Petty, I'm afraid to turn on the TV let alone leave the house.  Which I am aware is no way to live yet I feel like staying home more than ever.  Please do share how you are coping with everything.  Do you limit your TV time? Maybe I'm watching too much. There is a fine line between staying informed and overload.  I think I may have crossed that line.  xo

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