chateau marmont

You may or may not remember this little top I got at an estate sale last December.  HERE is that link if you want the details about it.  It's old and weighs a ton and was a little dusty so I gave it a bath in cool water and gentle laundry detergent.  This one to be exact.  In so doing I shrunk it a tiny bit which really bummed me out but it needed cleaning.

I wore the vintage Balmain coat with it.

So you all know M right,  If not here is a link that will aquaint you. M has a nephew, Tosh who is a model and his partner, Carmine is the manager of the Chateau Marmont restaurant. I actually share a birthday with him.  M set up dinner plans for us to go celebrate with them.  The first thing I thought about when she called to tell me this was of course...what will I wear?!  The Chateau is about 80 miles from Redlands but it may as well be a million because 1. It's a place where the rich, famous and trendy hang out and that makes me nervous. 2. It's far.  We spoke daily about what to wear or not wear and in the end this is what I picked.  I loved wearing it and didn't care what anyone else was wearing (thankfully) because most people dining came in jeans, tee shirts and tennis shoes. Whatever.

We were both really excited to go mainly because we were getting a tour of her nephew Tosh's home. M comes from a long line of extremely talented decorators.  Everyone in her family has gorgeous homes and are excellent entertainers.  We were not disappointed.

When we got there, they of course had a beautiful tray of food and ice cold champagne to revive us from the long drive.  Here are some snaps for your enjoyment.

I have decided in my next life I want to be a gay man.  They live life so fully and with such joy. They seem far happier than any hetero-sexual person I know.  They have a fun sense of humor and zest for life and frankly I'd like some of that in mine.

Our gorgeous and gracious hosts...Carmine and Tosh.

Okay, so from there we drove over to the Chateau and were treated like royalty.  The food and wine was delicious and the waiters fawned over us.  No wonder people like being rich.

After dinner we were going to get a tour of the hotel when I mentioned one of my favorite movies, Somewhere, with Stephen Dorff which was filmed there.  Have you seen it?  I didn't think so, no one likes it.  Netflix gives it one star but I think it's touching and quietly powerful. I think I've watched it at least 8 times.  Here is the trailer.  I think Sofia Coppola did a brilliant job and I'm sorry most people didn't get it.  So we get a tour of the suite where the movie was filmed.  I knew every square inch of this suite from the stripper pole bedroom scenes to Elle Fanning cooking in the kitchen.  It was so fun.  Here are some pics.

So that was my birthday.  Nice, right?  M, thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a wonderful wonderful night.  xoxo


  1. What a wonderful birthday! And what lovely, charming, warm and kind friends! You looked stunning (but then, you always do). I too adore the movie Somewhere. The light in that movie is simply amazing, and I admire Coppola for letting the movie unfold slowly and elegiacally.

  2. Diners showed up wearing jeans, t-shirts, and tennis shoes? Come on people, live it up! Dress up-even just a little, it's fun! Aaargghh... At least no one was wearing pajamas and flip flops, I guess :)

    I've long heard of Chateau Marmont where celebrities from the golden age of hollywood stayed (and still do even now). The seclusion and privacy sounds wonderful, very mysterious! I'm glad you had a good time and I am envious :)

  3. I love that top!! Always have- made in HK right? That house is divine!!! How beautiful are your friends? I saw Somewhere and liked it xxxx

  4. I'm so glad you drove the sixty miles and shared with us! Looks like a magnificent birthday! I crown you honorary gay mandom and you may now enjoy the zest and glitter as your own. Just keep yourself off Scruff and Grindr, it'll shatter the fantasy in about seven seconds.
    Happy Birthday!

    1. Both you and Janet always crack me up!!!!!!

  5. A very, very, very happy birthday! Basically, as I understand it from my son, you'll want to stay off ALL the gay dating apps. Then you can enjoy your flair in peace!

  6. Happy Birthday and I think your outfit was completely PERFECT. 11/10. Also I can't believe the fabulousness of those beautiful men, this was a definitely an amazing birthday to remember forever. And I love that movie Somewhere, how cool to see the suite? I'm going to watch it again knowing that you've been there.

  7. Oh, love, love, love this post and am smiling as I comment. You look fab (I too dress how I want and don't worry about what others wear, so glad you took that attitude as well - I think it worked out perfectly for you!) Classically pretty, as always. What a beautiful men. Too bad they are taken or I might turn into a gay man myself! Glad your day was exquisite. (Have you seen the movie The Education? It is my all-time fave. If not, you should see it. Sigh....I was born in the wrong era.)

  8. Vicki said...
    I come from a long line of Los Angelenos so I've seen the Chateau up there a zillion times on the hill but never been, not in all these years. Glad you could go and have a bang-up time; I think you looked incredibly chic. Today's Balmain I'm not so sold on, but vintage? What's not to love. I think you had an amazing birthday!

    Yeah, my cousin's gay and he has total zest for life, decorates beautifully and makes a home wherever he lands, is extremely thoughtful down to every last detail on anything for everybody, entirely giving and unselfish (not to say he's not self-indulgent...he is, but that's because he loves his pool, to entertain, to go out, to wear nice clothes, etc. and I say 'you go, buddy')...not to mention the BEST conversationalist, whip-smart (worked hard all his life at a stellar career) and he loves his dogs, rarely indulges in self-pity (he's had reason to, but no...)and thoroughly delights and charms most everybody with whom he crosses paths (and he's a world traveler, so that's put him in touch with a LOT of people in his almost-70 years here on earth). He's just a bright star in the inky night. I adore him.

    Thanks for sharing your luxe day, and belated HB!! Ya ready for rain, Janet???

    1. Wow, I had a hard time commenting; you can see above I cut and pasted my comment because it would just not let me get by "I Am Not A Robot" without wanting me to do that thing again, by choosing an image like a fruit or something; weirdest thing, Janet! Who knows if it's you or me; oh well, looks like I finally foiled it!

    2. Janet, I think I successfully was able to leave a comment about this post on your butternut post. A friend told me what's happening with these photos which pop up, asking me to select one before I can publish, is that it's a security challenge from your end, so we're going to try again and work with it. Didn't mean to alarm you about anything!

    3. I fear my computer/web illiteracy is showing...sorry for Vicki-Vicki-Vicki...

    4. A friend told me that what's popping up is just a further security feature of your blog. I've got it figured out now, but it's certainly random!

    5. vicki this is so weird b/c i never saw your original comment until this am. thanks for sharing about your cousin and his zest for life. yes! that's what i'm talking about. i just adore that quality in people and i think we could all benefit from an attitude like that! x

    6. This is crazy. I fear you're going to get slammed with multiple posts from me (well, you already have!), days later, like above (where have they been sitting??!!) after I'd tried unsuccessfully to publish. There are gremlins somewhere! Now I'm just repeat, repeat, embarrassing. Sorry!! When did the comment about my cousin just suddenly reappear? I thought it got zapped a couple of days ago! Again, I apologize profusely for clogging your blog. Please delete my numerous attempts to get past the security block or you're going to wind up with 20 comments from me, all the same, as I tried and tried for "Publish" to go through. Yikes, a temporary nightmare.

  9. You look lovely Janet and Happy Birthday!
    The coat looks luxurious and suits does the vintage top.
    I remember that post of your friend's home....and am surprised at how long ago we read the original post. How time flies....
    Somewhere is a film that I have not heard of but will find it so that I can view it and see why you loved it so much that you watched it 8 is such fun spending time with people who are passionate and enthusiastic about life.

  10. Janet k we watched the film.... I liked the fact that the father took care of his daughter while he had other invitations!
    I rather like to think that Stephen Dorff might be related to you....he is very handsome!
    Sophia is a great director and film maker

  11. You are looking very lovely in this dress Janet!
    I wish you Happy Birthday

  12. What a lovely treat for your birthday! How fun! Both of those men look like models.

  13. Happy Birthday! What a great celebration! Your birthday must be near mine, which is tomorrow. Mine will be celebrated with all my children and grandchildren, with a restaurant meal at my daughter's house, since the youngest is two months old!

  14. Hi Janet,

    It looks like you had a great birthday dinner/celebration...worth the drive!! A few years ago my husband had a restaurant in LA (Osteria Mozza) on his bucket list so we made the trip up for his birthday. We even booked an overnight stay at a B&B in Santa Monica because it was too far to travel for just one day.

    Gay men certainly have the flair for decorating and dressing...what's up with that??


  15. Love these pictures, thanks for sharing!

  16. I agree about the GAY Men!I need More in my Life!
    Why am I not getting your Post notifications!!!!
    Happy Belated and Happy New Year!

  17. Wow, what a birthday - and happy birthday to you dear Janet! I am so envious of both the dinner party and especially visiting Chateau Marmont. You look gorgeous and so stylish in your chosen outfit.

  18. I think you might enjoy this blog, Janet.

  19. Hi Janet and happy birthday. You are a lucky bird! I have always wanted to stay at the Chateau Marmont! One of these years; its pricey. I read that you can't even go in for a tour unless your a guest in order to give the guests and residents their privacy. I couldn't really see what you wore, but you always look so nice. Thank you for sharing. :-*

  20. Happy Birthday. Next time you're in town. Let me know and we can have breakfast lunch or dinner. I'm just west of the Chateau Marmont. Would love to meet you.

  21. Happy new year. You look fabulous. Somewhere is one of my favourite films, understated and lovely.

  22. I enjoyed most of the film "Somewhere" - which showed the emptiness of the character's life - and the beauty of his relationship with his daughter. But the ending - NO. He sends his daughter to camp, then abandons his car in the desert and walks down the road to ... nothing? That's a pretty awful ending. What am I missing? Why do so many of you think it's a great film? What will happen to him - and his daughter whose mother has "gone away" indefinitely?

    1. for me that's part of the beauty of the movie. you don't know what will happen. i like movies that are not wrapped up in a pretty bow happy ending. real life rarely least for me.:) i think the characters were all decent people so i like to think that they will all be ok somewhere/somehow. x

  23. What a gorgeous space. I've not seen that film but I always love films everyone else hates so I'd probably adore it.

  24. Oh wow... that's a birthday! congratulations Janet, a bit late but you still have almost a year to go with this new year of yours! Just saw the trailer and loved it! hopefully Netflix still has it, I think I'm going to love it! Sophia Coppola is amazing.


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