country living photo shoot

Hello everyone, long time, right?!  Country Living was here and gone in 4 days and what a 4 days it was.  The above photo is just about half the props that were brought in to shoot the house.  Can you believe that?!  While I'm not allowed to show any interior shots of the house that I took, I can show you this photo of just some of the things that were brought in.  It's apparent they thought my house needed more stuff. :)

I'm not going to lie, when I saw all this I had a slight panic attack.  But no worries, it all worked out. In the end, only a couple of lamps, pillows and other small accessories were used.  Under the guidance of stylist Janna Lufkin, her beautiful assistant Carolyn and the talented and charming photographer Roger Davies, the house looked incredible.  Janna has a sharp eye for style which you can see here on her Pinterest page.  Roger Davies has photographed some of the most beautiful homes in the world.  I am so pleased and humbled that he shot my house.  He is a fellow small home owner and prefers living in a cozy little home too.  Like I said, most of what they brought were pillows, towels and small accessories. They over-buy to be sure they have enough and also so they can play with different ideas.  They used all my stuff in ways I never thought to display it which was so interesting and cool to watch.  They were both great at styling, which by the way has nothing to do with the way you actually live in a house.  It's a very slow process of setting up each shot, getting it just right and then sending it to the editors at CL and getting their approval before moving on to the next shot.  They really have so much patience.

I think you are going to love the way it all comes out but we have to wait all the way til next Spring or Summer before it will be published! 



  2. I am so excited for you!!!

  3. Congrats on having your home featured. I can't wait to see how the shoot turned out!

  4. How fun! I can't wait to see it! I had a moment when I saw the stuff where I said "But Janet's house is already perfect!"

  5. This must have been nerve-wracking . . . but fun nonetheless. Strange that they would have been interested in your home precisely because of its lovely simplicity, but then felt compelled to bring so much "stuff" with them. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  6. I remember it well. Clearing up for our photoshoot nearly killed us, too! Can't wait to see your gorgeous home in print! xxx

  7. Were you allowed to keep any of the things they brought in?

    1. wondering same!!!

    2. sorry for the delay in answering....yes, they left a few things for us. a couple of pillows, a vintage luggage rack that will work perfectly with an old wooden tray i have. a few food items that they bought for the pantry and some little odds and ends that came from local thrift shops. :)

  8. Oh my...thst would cause me anxiety too. Glad that it turned out good. I will enjoy seeing your feature.

  9. How exciting! I'm glad you shared the styling process with us, because when I look at homes in magazines I think: why are all those knick knacks out when they have toddlers? Who lives this way? Haha! It's just an illusion. Even a gorgeous home like yours gets rearranged a bit for a photo shoot. I'm so happy for you and am looking forward to your magazine appearance!!

    1. it's true. it is an illusion! larry cannot stand too many pillows on a sofa or bed but sofa's look pretty with lots of pillows so they style them that way for magazines!

  10. Wonderfully exciting! Can't wait to see the photos! Are you changing anything due to their suggestions? I agree with the writer above - your home is already perfectly lovely.

    1. hi janice, sorry for the delay in answering. i don't think i'm changing anything too much. i did learn a lot from watching janna (the stylist) do her thing. one thing i will change for sure is a picture hanging in the kitchen. i've been wanting to hang one over the stove and for the shoot we did and i love it!

  11. Such an exciting time-you lucky girl!!! Can't wait to see the shots.

  12. i've no idea how they could possibly improve upon your own design..but okay. ;) looking forward to seeing the magazine when it comes out.

  13. Janet thrilled to bits for you and thanks for the tiny preview. I remember the first time I worked with a photographer that also worked for Architectural Digest shooting a famous hotel. Their stylist also brought reams of props. And with accommodations I was so concerned they would "over dress" and guests would be disappointed about IRL minus the "fluff". However it really was about being prepared in a fairly remote location, having options. In the end they were very judicious and added perfect touches, like luggage and throws we replicated throughout. The one thing I do know is the baggage for fashion versus interior shoots even more extreme. And my favourite remains cooking TV shows, literally piles of a Le Crueset eye candy. Always feel for them when have to re-pack and haul home tho'. Trust overall this will be a great memory for you.

  14. I cannot wait to get my hands on that issue.
    Wow 4 days to shoot, I hope there is plenty of you extérior in the issues as well.
    Love your home, it's going to make lots of readers envy your black bean cottage.


  15. I'm so excited for you but so gutted for me.....that's a long time to wait for your story to appear in the magazine!

  16. I believe we commenters could have saved them a lot of work. Your home doesn't need anything added. It is perfect, as is. It will be fun to anticipate your issue! Please be sure to send out a message when you know which issue. It will be great fun to see your home in print.

  17. Oh Janet I am so excited for you! I absolutely love your home and style and cannot wait to see the final photos. I can't believe we have to wait that long, yikes! Haha. We had an infomercial for an awning filmed at our home, and it was a truly amazing experience. I loved every minute of it. And, I, too, was amazed at all that went into it. I remember being so surprised at the "rainy day" they created.

  18. Congratulations Janet! Can't wait to see your cottage in CL. Did you use some of their ideas they used with your items!

  19. Can't wait to see it! xoCatherine

  20. Many congrats, Janet. What a fun experience and 'free' home decorator tips, not that you needed any, which is why they were shooting you in the first place because your cottage is so perfect just the way it is!

    Hey, how 'bout that little rain we got? Briefly POURED at 4pm here yesterday. We caught ALOT of rainwater in barrels and buckets to later water the yard/landscaping; my hubby rigged a way to divert water off the roof to catch every last drop. I'm a little freaked by reading these reports that we could be without drinking water by the end of 2015 so am hoping YOUR hubby is correct on El Nino coming this way...they say it's churning out there in the Pacific...

    I bet you were exhausted after the whole CL thing. I know people who have had their homes used in film shoots and it's disruptive...exciting, of course but, you know, chaotic.

    1. vicki i'm up in utah helping Ls dad right now. it is snowing and pouring rain every day!

  21. can't wait see it dear.... :)

  22. Well, I love the way you had your home before the big photo shoot. I'm sure it'll be lovely. They added touches but your style is you and thats what makes it special. That had to be a bit stressful having the crew enter into your home. I would think your home would be an easy's already perfect.

  23. I am curious, did you continue to live and sleep there during those four days? I ask because we are trying to sell our home and some days I wish I could move to a hotel because it is so difficult to keep everything tidy and somewhat staged even for a day.

    1. hi michelle, sorry for the delay in answering. yes, we did live and sleep here. it was hard to eat here though b/c either the kitchen was being styled or used as a room to store stuff so that was a little inconvenient. but overall it was a good experience.

  24. How exciting! I can't wait til you publish the photos!!! xx

  25. All that stuff makes me feel ill just looking at it but I know it will be worth the wait to see how the images of your most beautiful cottage will shine and rise above all that stuff.
    I would have broken out with a rash at all that stuff. Did you?

    1. haha patricia. no, no rash just a little anxiety that passed once i saw that Janna was very judicious in her use of the props.

  26. Wow, I had no idea that it took so long to do a photo shoot...I knew that they usually bring in additional props but that was a lot of stuff crammed in the back of that car!! I probably would have been having a panic attack too.

    Can't wait until it's published next year...will be buying a copy for sure! :)


  27. I must say that I thought the magazine had hit a rough patch for a few months and it left me very disappointed.
    I even sent an email, which I have never done in my life, expressing my concern. I mentioned that I see beautiful homes on blogs every day and I thought they really needed to tap into that.
    Now I read that your home will be featured!
    Your home is one of my all time favorites and now I will be definitely continuing my subscription!

    1. i agree cynthia. i've been a bit disappointed with the mag too. i sure hope my home translates well in the magazine!

  28. I hope the didn't accessorize the heck out of your home. It's beauty is in it's simplicity, airiness, and elegance. Couldn't they just let it be?? I have edited my home so many times now and love it- thanks to how comfy and peaceful your home appears. Looking forward to seeing it in print- I envy your style and am sure it will be a wildly popular feature in Country Living.

    1. they did accessorize it but it was with my things used in new ways. so it will appear fuller but i really hope that it translates well when published. i hope you will like it. :)

  29. Your home has always appealed to me for the simple elegance that your touch has given it. I have let my subscription to CL lapse,as so many of the articles were no longer of interest. I will definitely watch for your feature.And thanks to you for putting the stylist's pinterest link ,I have just spent an entire afternoon LOOKING!

  30. Good heavens, it gives me a bit of a panic attack just seeing the photo of all that stuff in your pretty home! I cannot imagine they could improve on it but will be excited to see it in the magazine. So excited for you!

  31. I am sorry to learn that CL magazine felt it necessary to add more and/or edit. I think you have a very good eye, hence, the reason they selected you. Also think it is more interesting to see how the owner designs their own space.

    1. i really think you will like it. it's my home, my style and my stuff (except for a few props). it will be interesting to me too to see how it comes out. :)

  32. How exciting! What issue are they going to feature it in? I will have to look out for it at the newsagents here in Australia. I can only imagine how disruptive it was though… you must've breathed a sigh of relief when it was all over, and I can only imagine that if you were anything like me you would've been cleaning like there was no tomorrow in the lead up (and it probably wouldn't make a lot of difference to anything for a photo :) ).

    1. hi heidi, i really didn't have to clean too much before the shoot they warned me not to go crazy so i didn't:)

  33. Haha that SUV looks like me going on vacation. Can't wait to see the final photos. Congratulations on this exciting project! I'm sure it feels so good to have it over :) can just imagine your eyes flaring and pulse rising upon seeing all that stuff!

  34. This is very cool s*it. Tho I, like all the above, am horrified we have to wait so long to see it in print.

    Perhaps we'll get some clues from your styling....

    xo J

  35. Oh my goodness, that shot of those bags of stuff makes me sad; I love your home as it is, with your personal touches collected over time and with a keen eye -- that is what makes it interesting and appealing to me. That said, I will be looking forward to the twist they put on your space.

  36. You're a better person than I am to let them move your stuff around. I think I would freak out! lol

    Congratulations though and I can't wait to see it in the magazine. Your home is absolutely beautiful :)

  37. WHAT FUN!I have had this experience TOO!Weren't you exhausted when they left!!!!!!I look forward to the issue.........Now why am I NOT getting your blog post notifications???

    1. oh gosh i don't know why you are not getting notifications.!!!

  38. I don't want to see Country Living decorating- I want to see the home you brillantly and beautifully created. Thumbs down to Country Living. I realize that magazines stage homes for features but your home is gorgeous and no staging was needed at all!!

    1. don't be too upset. i think you will like it. they did fill in some but it was with my things used in new ways. it was fun to watch and i can't wait to see how it all turns out.

  39. I love your home and garden just the way it is, too! I have subscribed to many magazines in the past (Trad. Home, HB, CL, CH and Southern Living) and have looked at many decorating blogs over the years, have toured a Magazine Idea House, purchased many design books and I believe that your home overall is my favorite so far. I just keep going back to your past blog posts to get inspiration. Janet, you are the BOMB! In the future, I hope to see a book published of your blog, just the way it is - your style, your uniqueness!

    Debra of SENC

  40. Thank you Beautiful for taking the time to visit me.
    Your time spent over at my place and comment was good medicine for my morning.
    Again, so looking forward to your Country Living feature..... Personally, I didn't think they needed to bring in a thing to staged our cottage, it's what drew me into your cottage life.... I love that soulful beautiful people live in your beautiful cottage.


  41. It was so nice to meet you Janet, you are the sweetest!! Hope things are going well for you and L in Utah. I absolutely adore your home!


    1. oh thank you carolyn! you were so sweet, kind and polite! really L and I talk about it all the time. you kept your cool and never complained once, esp with all those returns you had to make. thank you so much for contributing to the shoot. i know you have a great career ahead of you. xo


kindness is never out of style.

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