spicy asian slaw makeover

One of my favorite recipes has gotten a make-over and it's still delicious.  You can see the original recipe here if you'd like.

New and Improved Spicy Asian Slaw


In a bowl wisk together...

3 Tablespoons all natural organic peanut butter - no sugar, oil or salt added
2 Tablespoons rice wine vinegar
1 Tablespoon agave
1 Tablespoon water
1 teaspoon Braggs Liquid Aminos or low sodium soy sauce
a few grates of fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes

For Salad

4-5 cups assorted greens such as kale, cabbage and romaine
1 cup shredded carrots
1/4 cup cashews
1/4 cups dried cranberries

Combine and let sit for a few minutes to allow the dressing to soften the kale.
You can add any other ingredients too such as sliced red peppers, radishes...the list is endless.
I've been stuffing the salad into whole wheat pitas for an on the go lunch.

In other news I have really been suffering with my allergies this year.  It's like a whole new set of symptoms has descended upon my head, mainly itchy eyes and throat.  I am making an appointment this morning with a doctor that comes highly recommended and specializes in functional medicine so there is hope.  Needless to say I've been feeling pretty crappy.

I also want to apologize for the lame attitude I've had in my comments and my lack of attention to the comments in general.

Here's to a less crappy weekend.


  1. This has been a particularly bad year for allergies in my area as well. Here is is being blamed on the late arriving spring - the blooming seasons of various plants have been compressed and all the pollen is coming out at once! Sympathies from a fellow sufferer. Hope you find some relief soon - and please pass on any interesting suggestions from your appointment.

  2. Hello Janet,

    You know us too well to realise that we do everything to avoid actually going in to a kitchen. And, if we simply have to go into that room which to even mention brings us out in the vapours, then we do not wish to turn on the oven or light the gas. So, darling Janet, here you provide us with what looks to be a totally delicious feast without even going inside. Given a fine day, it could surely all be assembled and eaten outdoors. Perfect!

    C21 living seems to involve everyone in acquiring some form of allergic reaction. So many hidden additives, so many environmental pollutants, so many man-made substitutes for natural products......it is not surprising that we all come out in rashes or worse from time to time. Now, Janet, take your own advice and think positive thoughts.....and see someone who knows about these things. You have passed on so many good things to your readers now you must take care of yourself.

    And, if in doubt.......wear red lipstick......that is what we do!

  3. No apologies needed! Allergies are miserable.

  4. to echo the above comment everyone here in the Northeast is really suffering here as well! I feel so blessed that so far I have not had any problems and can enjoy the beauty of the season.I hope you feel better soon.
    the salad looks delicious, must try it soon.

  5. Looks yummy! Wine helps with allergies...just kidding ; o ))))

    xo kelley

  6. I don't know what you're talking about in regards to your "lame attitude." There have been a couple rude comments from commenters, not from you. Don't be hard on yourself, sometimes you have to defend yourself :)

    I've been hearing on the news about the extraordinary amounts of pollen and seasonal allergens floating around this year. They've really picked up partly because of the peculiar weather (indications of global warming?) we've been having worldwide. All I know is my whole family has felt the effects. I never had seasonal allergies before but at this very moment I am sitting here sneezing away. I hope your doctor visit helps. Feel better.

    1. i guess i meant i wasn't answering all the comments. there were so many good ones with great skincare recommendations.

  7. Oh I hope you get some relief for those nasty allergy symptoms....thank you for the Asian slaw recipe I am going to make a batch this weekend as it is exactly the kind is salad that I love.

  8. I went going through my recipe folder (trying to pare down) keeping the best of the best - this one made the cut - it's really good.
    Take care of yourself hope you feel better soon.

  9. That looks absolutely divine, I'm definitely making an alternative Brit version (some of the ingredients sound very alien - agave?) Hope you feel better soon, Juanita. xxxx

  10. Yes, agave does sound alien! But it is simply a sweet syrup from the agave plant. It's a bit like how strange Marmite sounds to us Americans I guess. I happen to love Marmite by the way :)

    1. Oops, I meant to reference the above comment as a "Reply" to Vix.

  11. Let your Doctor know you have been using olive oil as a moisturizer.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Looks delicious! Hope you are feeling better soon. My son has been suffering with seasonal allergies this Spring. It can be so tough.

  14. Some dried cranberries have sugar and sunflower oil used to preserve them. Read the label. What brand peanut butter did you use?
    Hope you feel better.

    1. we make the peanut butter at our market. you buy the organic peanuts and just put it in the machine and so it's just organic peanuts that is made into peanut butter. it is so good!

  15. Love your blog, avid follower! This slaw looks delicious.

    Wellington, New Zealand

  16. Thanks for the recipe. Looks delicious! Hope you feel better soon.

  17. Local honey, a teaspoon day since January has really helped my allergies this year. I was sceptical, but thought it worth a try, I mean honey is delicious, and I am so glad I tried it. I would say my allergies have be 85% better this year than the previous 7 or 8 years. Sometimes, in years past my eyse would get so swollen and itchy that tears would be streaming down my face and they would be so red and puffy.


  18. Hi . . . I can completely sympathize with the allergy mess. I am so sorry. You've probably tried various things, but just in case you never heard of it or tried it, I started taking quercitin and nettles (in capsule form) on recommendation from my naturapath and it has completely changed my life... I did not get sick from allergies last March, nor did my oldest son and husband. We all felt so much better taking it- and let me tell you, my husband is a huge skeptic with anything 'natural or in pill form'
    Anyway- just a suggestion. I do hope you feel better very soon so you can enjoy life once again . . . I really enjoy your blog. :)

  19. I know you're vegan, but I second Louise's comment above. Local honey has helped me and my husband tremendously with allergies. Also, vitamin C in mega doses helps. In the movie Food Matters, Dr. Andrew Saul talks about mega dose vitamin therapy. If you go to his website and click on the allergy link on the left, there is plenty of info on vitamin C and allergies.

  20. You are real, and honest, that's why we love you! Don't try to be perfect on our account.

  21. Feel better soon, Janet! XO

  22. Okay, I am going to be dumb here. Local honey--does that simply mean what it implies--that it is honey from your local area? Or is it something different. My granddaughter suffers from allergies and I have seasonal hay fever so we would be very willing to try this. And, Janet, are you doing what I've hear referred to as "clean eating"? I am very interested in this concept and am doing some research on it.

    1. That's exactly what it means! The bees have gathered pollen from the plants in your area that are causing your allergies. You can't just eat it once and expect results. You need to eat a small amount pretty much daily in advance of the allergy season so you build up an immunity to the pollens that are causing you problems.

    2. Thank you. Makes sense and I will pass this along.

  23. My allergies have been off the chart this year! I stay in with the AC on during pollen season and recently started taking Claritin. (Dr. recommended) It doesn't make me sleepy, my eyes aren't as swollen and I can breathe.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  24. Another fabulous recipe for me to try. Thank you. I'm sorry your allergies are so lousy this year. Mine were off the charts earlier, but seem to be calming down a bit now. Let us know how this approach works. I've actually never heard of this type of practice before. No apologies allowed! I hope you feel better very soon. xoJennifer

  25. If you can get it down (it tastes rather strongly) and don't have any heart problems (the vitamin K1 is contraindicated for anyone on blood thinners, I believe), very strong nettle tea is a wonderful natural antihistamine. If you want to help the flavor, go for savory additions, rather than sweet. Nettle tea with honey is vile, but with a dab of miso it's almost tasty.

  26. mmmm That dressing sounds delicious! I would usually buy the one in the produce section at Trader Joe's. But now I can just make my own. Thanks.
    Oh, and in addition to my daily honey I also gulp down a tablespoon of Bragg's apple cider vinegar. I've heard so many good things about ACV lately. Although, in my perfect world I prefer my vinegar on a crunchy potato chip!

  27. PS... Jack White is going to be on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Monday night. Just in case you haven't already heard...

  28. Janet, this salad sounds yummy...just bought some cabbage. Now I just need kale.

    Sorry to hear you are battling the allergies again. Not surprising since our weather has been all wacky. Another Santa Ana this week. Sooooo over it!

    Hope you had a less crappy weekend.


    P.S. And you are SO not lame!

  29. Janet, I shall have you know I concocted a very similar recipe just last night and have left overs to enjoy today.
    Hope you feel better soon and are back to your high functioning self.

  30. If you're feeling crap that doesn't say much for your "healthy" way of eating does it?

    1. well i've only been eating like this for a little over a month and it's right in the middle of allergy season. before my allergies hit i was feeling really really good. and now the allergies are wearing off and i'm feeling pretty dang amazing again. the biggest thing i've noticed is that i have so much more strength in yoga. but overall in general i feel so much lighter, not weight wise but just the way i feel.

  31. Ha Ha, last night I had a dream about you and Larry. My hubby and I were going to get pizza for us and we asked what kind you wanted. You said, "Popcorn and mushroom, please." The folks at the pizza place knew you and had it for us in no time, except it was only one slice. I'm sure this has may many meanings, but for now, good fun with good people.
    Thanks, Kathleen

    1. that is so funny kathleen. popcorn and mushroom....:) thanks for sharing that! x

  32. The spicy Asian slaw looks simply amazing! Believe it or not it's getting pretty warm and humid even in our winter wonderland, and I can definitely use some spicy, light and healthy meal! Hope you start to feel better with your allergies soon :(

  33. Delicious ! My 99 cent store had the Broccoli Slaw mix and fresh ginger and dried cranberries. I also added roasted pepitas - pumpkin seeds and kale and cilantro from my garden. It worked great, I know you love your 99 cent store like I do. Thanks for lunch my friend, this recipe is a keeper.

    1. glad you love it too. it's so easy and love all your additions. i think the nuts or seeds are crucial for some nice crunch. :)

  34. thank you so much for sharing this! i can't tell you how many times I've made different variations of this using up what's in the veggie bin and it never disappoints. :-)


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