
I haven't ventured out past my doorway very much.  Of course the grocery store about every 2 weeks for myself and Father-in-Law.  Everlane had given me these beautiful mules last month and I've barely worn them.  But they are quite chic.

The garden never fails to delight me.  All the usual suspects are here for the Spring.  It's a continuing source of peace in my life. 

I apologize if I have not answered your emails.  I cannot say I'm too busy can I?  I honestly don't have a good answer.  Maybe I can answer most questions here.  Like what am I watching on TV?

On HBO...

My Brilliant Friend  Hands down the best thing I've watched

Curb I Adore Leon

Veep Never gets old and so timely

on Netflix...

Afterlife - Which is both sad and good to me

Ozark - The whole thing baffles but I keep watching

#BlackAF - Very funny and smart

What have I been eating?  Too much of everything.  Why.  Usually 1 or 2 cookies will do it but lately I want the whole bag. Mostly just the same old thing...oatmeal, salad and veggie burgers.  Sorry I'm not a font of inspiration right now!

Lots of neighborhood walks.  Yoga at home. 

What are you watching?


  1. Love seeing your posts - they’re always calming, beautiful, and inspiring. You give me courage to be myself without apology. We’ve been watching Foyle’s War - great British detective show set during WWII. Found it on the Hoopla App through our library. Lots of long walks and finished pulling up all the ivy in our front garden. Ready to plant some poppies, lavender and whatever else that’s drought tolerant and deer resistant. Cooking up a storm of veggie dishes. (Eating too much bread & pasta:) Finding beauty in all the simple, little things. Hope you’re well!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OZARK is absolutely fantastic!!! I watched all three seasons - 30 episodes - in a couple of weeks. I couldn't stop watching. The acting is superb (Julie Garner as Ruth is award-winning stuff) and all the characters are compelling to watch. The plot is gripping, edge-of-the-seat stuff - will the family stay one step ahead of the Mexican drug cartel? When it was finished, I felt bereft . Roll on season 4. Highly recommended. Stick with it, Janet!

  4. Agree with previous comments...your posts are beautiful and calming. LOVE the picture you shared,. Your flowers and plants make me smile. Have been watching Final Cut (like even a bit more than Project Runway), Unorthodox (now I cannot wait to read the book, audio version on reserve at our library) and planning to check out Chef's Table on Prime or Netflix...cannot remember which one so early this morning.

  5. Thank you for this post, Janet. I've missed you and your readers! It's fun to see what others are doing and watching right now. I loved Broadchurch on Netflix and I've missed it since I finished it. Weeding in the garden calms me like nothing else right now (maybe an odd sense of control?). Taking walks and seeing small changes in others gardens is my most exciting pastime right now. Love to all.

  6. The mules are lovely. What a sweet gift. Your father in law clearly knows you well.
    If I were to be writing a post this morning, I would need to make the same observation about filling time. Honestly, I am overwhelmed by how much of it we now have. There were moments in life when I would dream about being gifted with buckets of time and now that I have been I am overwhelmed. I do believe YOU and I are okay. We do what brings joy . . . gardening, walks, you yoga . . . without social interactions with friends I realize how much their energy is a part of me . . . it's an adjustment to shift to phone, zoom, and written chats but there are pleasures, too, within time taken in these modes.
    Thank you for the viewing tips. Most important: please stay well and I wish the same for your friends and family. Such a tough time this is for many . . . and yet we are unable to directly be of assistance . . . perhaps that's why we often feel a bit restless.
    It's May Day . . . your note is like a basket of flowers. Thank you.

  7. I've been watching "A Place Called Home", an Australian series on Acorn. It feels relevant. Prior to this, I watched "Bed of Roses" (another Aussie series). I think there's an underlying theme for me here! Thank you for keeping it real. Gardens, connecting (when we feel up to it), reading, movies. We need these escapes.

  8. Also watched Ozark. So dark yet so addicting. Just finished Little Fires Everywhere. Now watching Succession. And reading...lots of reading. Take care of yourself, Janet.

  9. Hey Janet,

    I have watched the series "Bosch" on Prime, Reruns of Law and Order SVU on Prime, Starting watching "Offspring" on Netflix again,"Afterlife" on Netflix, watched "Modified" by Aube Giroux twice while she shared it the week of Earthday (linked by Project Non-GMO IG)and then purchased the film because it is so inspiring, beautiful and a reminder to be mindful of the foods we are eating. I am going to watch this inspiring movie and period piece again called "A Little Bit of Chaos" starring Kate Winslet on Netflix(Uplifting Romantic Comedy and landscaping\gardening movie). "Modified" and "A Little Bit of Chaos" makes me want to get outside and get my hands dirty.

    Also, I've been baking breads, a lot.

    Debra from SENC

  10. Hi Janet,

    We are watching Bosch, The Good Fight, Cardinal, and just finished up Little Fires Everywhere, The Stranger, The Outsider, Mr. Mercedes, and Ozark. We like The Resident (being cancelled) and The Blacklist and the new Forensic Files.

    Please, I beg of you, give us a garden tour! Your house looks so charming and I would love a virtual stroll around your yard.

  11. Good to see your post this morning as I opened up my laptop!
    Cute mules and such a pretty style.
    We are watching The Marvellous Mrs Maisel on Amazon Prime.
    The humble bungalow garden is looking much tidier these days with all the time I spend out in it...so peaceful and I love to listen to the birds.
    Am reading a great book The Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth Berg...she is a very insightful writer.
    Enjoy your beautiful blooms Janet and stay safe.

  12. Thanks for sharing your update and perfect May Day garden pic.

    It is rather a crazy, surreal time we are in. My daughter & her spouse (as of Dec) said they feel like they are retired. I feel like we are practising for retirement, which the dates have now been moved back.

    Take care.

  13. I LOVE "My Brilliant Friend" . . . read the novels sometime ago and was so excited to have it come to HBO

  14. Another vote for Bosch on Amazon Prime. Also Homeland finished up after an 8 year run.

    Cooking lots. And I'm over my whiny self of having to eat frozen spinach and canned or frozen fruit when I run out of fresh.
    Big Deal. Get over it and quit your complaining I told myself.
    And you know what?
    It's all good.

    Take care,

  15. I think we're all feeling a little blah right now. You're not the only one that's quarantine eating, as I call it. And so is everyone else, from those I've talked to.

    Your house and gardens are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen. I wish my landscape was that lush, but I suppose that's one of the good things about living in California. (I'm in Illinois.) I planted some flowers and herbs in pots today for the first time this season.

    Thanks for the TV suggestions. I don't watch much TV...sometimes just 1/2 hour - 1 hour in the evenings. Have you watched The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Prime? The other night I started Little Fires Everywhere on Hulu and it was fantastic. Can't wait to watch more.


  16. Love the photo of your charming home - like a oasis of peace & calm in this chaotic time. I've been wondering: how did your "regrown" lettuce do? Of the 3 I started, 2 are going strong! Honestly, we have tried watching so many things on TV but not much is appealing. We did love Grantchester on Masterpiece Theater & am happy that another season is starting in June. After reading & loving the book, Belgravia, I was thrilled to see a new series starting a few weeks ago based on that book on Epix - we love it! Written by Julian Fellowes of Downton Abbey fame. We also started watching Downton again from the very beginning & are loving it. Stay well, dearest Janet & am sending the same wishes out to your wonderful readers. xxoo Katie from Huntington Beach

  17. Lovely gardens and your cottage is so charming and cozy! We just finished watching Little Fires Everywhere- very good show and now we have started Mrs.America and Belgravia. I don't normally watch this much tv but we have a lot of time to pass. Our state of Oregon is practicing caution and staying closed for awhile longer.

  18. I suppose I am stuck in he last century. I only watch the TV that is provided with my subscription, no HBO or Netflix and such. Mostly public TV and CNN or MSNBC, probably too much for my own good. I never really watched much until now. I am kind of liking A Place to call home and World on fire. I watch the old standbys, Midsommer Murders and Last Tango in Halifax, I find the characters on shows not made in the USA so much more interesting and like that they allow older people to actually have a romantic life. and I read actual books, don't have an option so panicked when the library closed. now spending a small fortune ordering from a company called Bas Bleu . I used to do Amazon but something is wrong with my account and i have no clue how to fix it. The best thing about yesterday was that sometime after midnight I opened my patio door and heard a bird singing loudly and so clearly into the night. I stepped out to listen to him/her, probably a Mockingbird. then another bird answered very softly, almost as if to say, it's late, keep your voice down. Anyway, it was lovely and I felt part of a secret world being out there at that hour listening to their song.

  19. I loved every episode of When Calls the Heart on Netflix. All the coal miners' wives in this tiny 1905 Canadian coal town are young, beautiful, thin and dressed and groomed straight out of the salons and shops of 5th Avenue, in spite of living in poverty with no indoor plumbing and with husbands who are grumpy, exhausted and covered in coal dust. Still, the characters are fascinating and well-developed, the story lines captivating and improbable and the leading women - Elizabeth and Abigail - so moral and nice that after watching 50+ episodes I found myself becoming a nicer person. It was a happy distraction from the Virus.

  20. Your house and garden are so beautiful! I planted lettuce, tomatoes and beans. Not much but fun to see things grow. I'm tired of TV for now, just can't get interested in a series or movie.
    Your father in law is so lucky to have you! Does he live nearby?
    I agree with a tour of your garden. Something for us to look forward to. 🌹

  21. Your garden is lovely. I have been watching "Judging Amy" on Youtube or Dailymotion. I never did see it 20 years ago. (We don't have cable nor do we stream anything.) I'm also watching (again) the first 2 seasons of "Unforgotten," a fabulous British detective show from PBS Masterpiece Theater as I wait for a new season. My mind is such a sieve that I could not remember whodoneit.


    1. Unforgotten was one of the best shows I have ever seen.

  22. Binge watched “Grace and Frankie” on Netflix. I needed the laughs. I just saw “My Brilliant Friend” last night. 💚

  23. Happy Mother's Day to you, Janet, and to all the moms out there! Katie from Huntington Beach

  24. Janet. Is your father in law staying w you or does he live near by? Love reading your post and your readers post

  25. Just checking to see how things are going.

  26. Hi Janet! I'm so excited! Your "Country Living" spread from 2016 showed up on my Pinterest feed today! I was so happy and blessed to see your darling home and yard. So pretty, so happy and just how I always love to see it. I remember you saying at the time how much they added to and took away from your own decor, but the beautiful rooms and outdoors look just like you always show us. There was also a darling picture of you and Larry at the end, which was heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. I'm sending love as you work your way through this so difficult season, but thank you for all the love and and simplicity you have shared and continue to share with us. xo karen

  27. Hello, I've missed seeing your posts so I thought I would head here to see how you are doing? I hope that you and your father in law are staying safe. By the way, after your last post I started planting my lettuce as well. It is fun to watch is grow, I've also "planted" cabbage, carrots, and celery.

  28. Your gardens look so lovely. I can imagine such peace and joy tending to them - even with the necessary work. Thank you for sharing your pretty home.
    Oh, the mules are a great addition to your wardrobe, such a great colour.

  29. I would love to see more of your garden. Thinking of you and hoping you are doing well.

  30. Over here in Britain the nation is transfixed by the latest BBC serial, 'Normal People'. It is a very faithful adaptation of the book and the two central characters, played by unknown young actors, are superb.
    Otherwise, ten weeks into isolation, I am doing lots of gardening, reading, writing and zooming with friends and family.
    Your home, and you, as ever, are looking lovely. Stay safe.

  31. Hey Janet,

    Also,just checking in to see how you are getting along during this time and hope you and your loved ones are well.

    Here in NC right now the COVID19 cases are soaring in the smaller towns even though they are opening up. Hardly anyone wears a mask at the grocery stores or garden centers. I noticed in Mass. the daily cases are declining, I am so thankful for that. Everyone is required to wear a mask in public there and are fined if they are not wearing one(at least in the Boston area). I have adult children living in hot spots. Wearing a mask says I love and care about others including myself. Can not hardly wait til this is over.

    Miss your beautiful posts. We are currently watching "White Lines" on Netflix. It is very interesting. The movie, "Wrong Missy" starring David Spade on Netflix is funny as heck. Also, if you are interested, the show "Goliath" on Prime is a very good series to binge watch(big Billy Bob Thornton fan).

    Debra of SENC

  32. Taking a minute to check on you, Janet, on a quiet day tucked in between ones spent overworking. Happy to see this recent post. The cottage and gardens are so peaceful. Sending love from the Midwest. Makes me feel good to see others checking on you as well.
    Be safe, Sweet Lady.

  33. Hi Janet,

    I check in each day to see if you have posted. I hope you're doing well. I know this is a stressful time which must be making it more difficult to heal. I hope you are finding joy in your garden and walks. Stay well.


  34. I miss your posts. Thinking I need to go back and start reading your blog from the beginning. I need to escape from my husband's alzheimers, Covid-19, isolation, the news, economic stress, the news, food prices, the news and the world chaos. I just want to be an ostrich for a while....is that bad? So I'm just going to read some of your soothing older posts and count my many blessings of which I have so very many. Hope you are doing okay Janet.

  35. Just stopped in to see how you are.

  36. I'm also checking on you....I've been checking daily and so hope you're doing well or as well as can be expected with what you've been through. I've been re-reading so many of your older blog posts. You have such a knack for writing, you have such great common sense and simple living suggestions and recipes and are so brutally honest about yourself and your feelings. I have learned so much from you because of this and just hope you're coping as best you can.....I know you have a zillion faithful readers/friends who feel the same way....xo Janie

  37. I am always checking to see if you have posted. Hoping you are doing OK in these difficult times. I made your lasagna the other day, and am always surprised how delicious it is!
    Love, Darby

  38. Hello, just checking in to see how you are... hope all is well with you.

  39. Hi Janet, Just checking on you like everyone else. Miss your posts. Don't know you but
    feel like I do because of all your beautiful posts. Take care of yourself. I know this is
    a hard time for you. I hope your father in law is ok. He is blessed to have you. Sending love and strength.

  40. I, too, check in and wonder 'is she painting the house?' Britta

  41. Missing your posts. Hope you are okay.

  42. I miss you. Because of your example I have bought a small home that I am renovating and will move into in a few months. My leap of faith to do this is from your teachings on how to live a simpler, beautiful, appreciative life. I so hope you are OK. I have been awaiting your next lovely post. With Gratitude, Michellle

  43. Hmmmm, I have tried to post twice and I guess I don't know how to do it correctly...so this is my third try and I'll just say on my third attempt to post... "I miss your beautiful teachings and living by example. I hope you are OK. Sending Love."

  44. Whatever the problem is, I 99 percent never can seem to get a comment posted (computers confuse me) but I think of you often, Janet; hope you are well. I come almost daily to see if you've posted. I know you'll tell us about your summer soon.

  45. Good morning, Janet . . . thought of you as I meandered past a couple garden beds (my own) and pulled weeds as Josie (dog) and I returned from our morning stroll. Thank goodness for the gardens we made . . . they provide exercise mixed with far more goodness. How are you? (don't need to answer) Seems we all inquire that of one another . .. it's genuine while filling a need to know is this pandemic acting on everyone else's mindset as it is our own. I frequently turn into The Gardener's Cottage just a I pause by my own beds . . . for pleasure, a bit of contemplation, or redirection. Even if you don't post, I know you are "home" and dip into an earlier post knowing there will be a helpful take-away for me. Thank you, Janet. Wishing wellness. Linda

  46. Also just stopping by to wish you well.

  47. Hey Janet,

    Hope everything is okay with you. Sure do miss your posts.

    Debra of SENC

  48. Like others who have commented here I also check in frequently to see if there is something new from you. I adore your blog and your wit and candor, During this scary times with so many issues demanding our attention it is a good time to try and reflect on the things you really love and that make you happy. Your blog makes me happy. Hoping that all is well with you and that you will return soon to your loyal readers who miss you.

  49. Hope you are doing ok...sending hugs and care

  50. It's been a while...hoping you are okay! Miss your posts!

  51. Thinking of you...hope you are OK.

  52. Your blog is added to my Feedly account and I follow you on Instagram, so I know I wouldn't miss a post, but just adding a comment here to say I think of you often and hope you're doing ok. I miss your posts. Adding the stress of the pandemic to your already grieving days must be particularly difficult. I hope you're finding comfort among family and friends that love you. xo

  53. Hey lovely....how are you? You're quiet and I am hoping that's a good thing for you right now. xo

  54. Hello, dear Janet. Just sending a little note to let you know I think of you very often and look back through your posts to catch a little bit of extra grace and peace. I miss your words and photos but I know it must be exhausting to write along with everything else sad, weird and wonky that is going on. I'm sending love and wishes for wellness and sustaining moments in your every day. God bless you and keep you, make His face to shine on you and bring you peace. xo karen

  55. Hi from New Zealand, Janet. I love your blog posts and check in most days to see if you have posted. I send love in these strange times. Hope you are well. Have you watched The Crown on Netflix? Interesting historical series and the clothes are gorgeous. I hope your garden is a safe haven for you. With love, Sarah

  56. Heck I lost my message...take good care of yourself...whatever it takes.

  57. Sending you my best wishes and hoping you are well! I'm hoping there are technical difficulties with the blog again, and that's all the silence is...I really miss your inspirational posts!

  58. Dearest Janet, Like many others, just checking in to see how you are doing! So miss your posts but most of all, hope you are well & staying safe in your "Gardener's Cottage"! With love & hugs, Katie from Huntington Beach

  59. Dearest Janet, Just checking in to say hi & hope you are well! So miss your posts & hope you will be back soon. Have tried leaving a msg. a few times & it never posts. Sending love & hugs, Katie from Huntington Beach

  60. Just stopping by to check on you and to send you love and blessings! Thank you so much for the time you took to share. It was always a blessing to me.
    Hugs & prayers,

  61. Hi Janet, I have been thinking about you a lot. Hope you are doing alright. Miss you!

  62. Hope you are well. I'm in SF and at least 90% of the people are wearing masks. So very proud of our citizens.
    Stay safe.

  63. I always enjoy your posts Janet, and have missed them. I hope that you are keeping well in these strange and challenging times. Keep safe Lorrie

  64. Just want to say hi. I think of you often and hope you are doing well.

  65. Hello, Janet
    stopping by your cottage before I turn in - a new cover thing of mine : become very weary at about 8 or 9 pm . . . check messages before turning in . . . suddenly get a second wind and find I'm closing in on midnight . . . then of course, I end up sleeping later than I would like in the morning.
    But this was supposed to be about YOU
    I've been by several times since I last left a note . . . love coming to your cottage
    now without any intention of laying blame, must say I have become a bit worried over you . . . might you be under the weather? Please, say you don't have Covid.
    Continuing good wishes for wellness . . . yours and all whom you adore

  66. Inspiring and beautiful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here.


kindness is never out of style.

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