For those of us struggling to get started on a decluttering journey, why not try 5 a day? The idea is that every single day you get rid of 5 items of junk in your house. Often I'm overwhelmed if a task seems too great to get started on so breaking it down to just 5 a day is so doable. Research shows that clutter stresses us out and our cortisol levels actually raise when we look around and see disarray.
Technically if you did this every day for a year, you'd rid yourself of 1825 items. My advice would be to start small. Open a drawer and quickly scan it and remove 5 useless things. Either put them in the trash or in a box by the front door. At the end of the week you could have 35 items to take to Goodwill or give to friends. Whatever you do, empty the box so it is ready for the next week.
If you are stuck because like me you fear that you may need the item one day, ask yourself when you last used it. Is it something you only use at Thanksgiving or Christmas? Then keep it because you don't want to have to replace it, just put it in a less used drawer. I bet you will find that 5 items a day isn't enough. I only have 1 closet and a few drawers in my house and there is plenty of crap hiding in them that needs to go so let's get tidy! x