how i'm trying to save money in july


Hi dear friends.  I thought I'd talk a little about saving money in July.  As our summer temps go up so do the utility bills.  The garden demands more water and I demand more interior coolness.  

In my last post I told you about the thick triple lined Ethan Allen drapes I purchased and they have helped so much.  I pretty much keep them closed once the sun moves around to that part of the house.  But luckily my entry and living room get early morning sun so I can keep the drapes opened here for most of the day which I love bc I like bright interiors.  They make me happy.

I was able to get these gorgeous pink hydrangeas from a friends garden.  Gosh they are beautiful.

I've been trying many different methods of saving water in the garden,watering in the morning vs the evening.  I've been hand washing my dishes and saving the rinse water and can use that in all my pots outside.  I have no idea if this will make much of a dent in the water bill but I feel good trying.  I also have cut way back on cooking anything.  I don't know what is happening to me but I dread cooking these days.  So overnight oats and various salads are what I've been eating.  Also lots of cold water with lemon and orange slices.  I notice overall I'm driving less and just doing less.  I think it's leftover covid isolation.  I'm not hating it.  I'd love to hear how you are saving this month.  Any tips in the comments would be wonderful! x

ps - and what are you guys eating?

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