
I haven't ventured out past my doorway very much.  Of course the grocery store about every 2 weeks for myself and Father-in-Law.  Everlane had given me these beautiful mules last month and I've barely worn them.  But they are quite chic.

The garden never fails to delight me.  All the usual suspects are here for the Spring.  It's a continuing source of peace in my life. 

I apologize if I have not answered your emails.  I cannot say I'm too busy can I?  I honestly don't have a good answer.  Maybe I can answer most questions here.  Like what am I watching on TV?

On HBO...

My Brilliant Friend  Hands down the best thing I've watched

Curb I Adore Leon

Veep Never gets old and so timely

on Netflix...

Afterlife - Which is both sad and good to me

Ozark - The whole thing baffles but I keep watching

#BlackAF - Very funny and smart

What have I been eating?  Too much of everything.  Why.  Usually 1 or 2 cookies will do it but lately I want the whole bag. Mostly just the same old thing...oatmeal, salad and veggie burgers.  Sorry I'm not a font of inspiration right now!

Lots of neighborhood walks.  Yoga at home. 

What are you watching?


little things

It's always the little things that make the biggest difference in our lives.  At least that's how it works for me.  Especially in these days of worry.  I remind myself daily that I'm ok, I'm ok.  Because the truth is I am. 

Beauty is good for the soul.  I read that somewhere this week and I believe it with all my heart.  I've started re-growing romaine lettuce in a sunny window.  How sweet is this?  I read you can re-grow up to 3 times but after that the leaves will become bitter.  I'll report back.

I also read that if you separate your bananas they will last longer.  They seem to, maybe by 3 or 4 days which is nice.

I've been taking stock of all my food and other essential items as I'm sure most of you have.  I have enough.

This old house has kept me on my toes.  This is my basement that has flooded so many times this year I've lost track.  A neighbor let me borrow his industrial water vac which has been a lifesaver.  This was a task that Larry took care of and I'm finding I'm capable too.  It's a pain in the royal ass though.  I also fixed a broken toilet last month.  It was quite a job but I did it.

And last week I was on top of the roof cleaning rain gutters when I spied this spot on the house.  It's the original shingles with their very first coat of paint which is a soft white.  I was so thrilled to find this that I forgot for a minute that I really probably most likely should not be on the roof.  I've always wanted to paint this house white.  Maybe one day it will be...

So what little things have you guys been up to.  Anyone out there living alone?  It is a new experience for me to be this alone.  I'm not hating it.  x
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