1. Hello my dear friends. How are you? I must start by again saying just how touched and thankful we are to you all. Your thoughts and prayers are doing wonders for us both. I feel wrapped in your love and that is just an amazing feeling.
2. Just a quick update re Larry and treatment. Yesterday was his last day of this round of chemo and we got some wonderful news based on his blood work. He is responding really well to all the treatments he is on. As I've stated before it has been a grueling schedule and I don't know how he does it. After this coming Wednesday he will be done with radiation and will get a full month off of all treatments! The next round will be maintenance and that will be every 3 weeks. I can't tell you how good that sounds. I love our doctors and hospital but we both could use a break from our daily visits there.
3. I have been working in the garden quite a bit, mostly while Larry naps but then my allergies hit and I really have to limit my time out there. That's ok tho because I know they will pass and I can get out there soon.
4. I hope you will enjoy the few photos I took the other day of the rose garden. I always get a April/May bloom but then as the trees leaf out the blooms are v sparse. So I will be paying close attention to the sun this summer and decide just what to do with this old garden.
5. I wish you all a v happy Mother's day weekend.