elbow grease

I love this kitchen floor but all those tiny white tiles can get really dingy over time.  We wash the floor weekly but it gets lots of traffic and the white tiles were beginning to look grayish/brownish.  Larry came up with a 3 step process that works really well and keeps the floor shining.  I believe it would really bring life back into vintage or even antique tiles too.  It requires a bit of elbow grease but if you have 2 people it goes pretty fast.

You will need...

Hot water
A scoop or 2 of Oxi-clean laundry booster type stuff
A scrub brush
3 or 4 cleaning towels

After sweeping the floor well, one person uses the scrub brush dipped in the oxi-clean solution that has been dissolved into hot water to loosen all the grime.  The next person comes along with a hot wet towel to wipe it up and then a dry towel to buff it.

Go in small sections until the floor sparkles again.  It takes us about 30 minutes to do this floor.
It's good exercise and if you can get into it, somewhat meditative.  Just kidding, it's a pain in the ass but looks beautiful when finished.

Happy happy Friday the 13th!


  1. Good looking floor Janet!
    Your recipe for cleaning sounds simple...I washed our wood kitchen floor yesterday before I had my shower as it is a good workout. I couldn't believe that it was so dirty. We wipe our feet and usually take off our shoes indoors so where does all that dirt come from?

  2. Ours drives us daft, its black and white quarry tiles and at least 100 years old. What with cats, amateur car repairs and cooking it gets filthy. I'll definitely be telling Jon Larry's recipe for clean floors! Happy Friday! xxx

  3. That does sound like good exercise -- arm muscles, chest muscles -- but hard on the knees and back. My husband cleans our tile floor on his hands and knees. I have done it that way too, and it's hard work, but it is worth it.

  4. I wonder if one of these new "Steam Floor Cleaning" machines would work???? Hmmm....

  5. Looks great!

    Sounds like Larry helps you like my husband does... when we do the wood floors, I sweep and Swiffer first, then he mops and I follow behind him with a towel. Nothing like teamwork to get the job done! And you are right it is great exercise!

    BTW what type of brush do you use? I need a new one for our bathroom floors, I always worry about the brushes scratching the tile.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  6. When a young wife in 1968 I read advice for young wives in a magazine. One piece of advice stuck in my mind because it was so outlandish, it told us young wives that there was no need to wash your kitchen floor more than once a day!

    Ah, the good old days……..

  7. Janet, I have ceramic tile and use a similar method to clean but I haven't tried oxi-clean. What do you think? The grout between is a natural light grey but has aged and darkened somewhat.

  8. "Somewhat meditative..." Ha, ha, ha, hilarious Janet : )
    The floor looks beautiful!
    Have a very nice day (you deserve it),

  9. Very creative photo angle! I really love your kitchen!

  10. You have perfect lighting over your workspace on either side of the stove. Very good planning on your part!

  11. Wow that floor looks smashing! Please send Larry and his 3 step process over here, now!

    1. Darn, I thought I was going to have first dibs on Larry and his floor cleaning. LOL
      blessings, jill

  12. Beautiful floors. I just love your house.

    Shirley - Atlanta, GA

  13. Love that kitchen. I'm going to try this on my bathroom floor tile. I know that the tile is beige, but after my grandchildren stayed for a week, it looks "beiger" than usual. Fortunately, it should take me about half the time of your kitchen. The bath is tiny.

  14. I almost fell for the meditative thing. I hate cleaning and will do any lazy thing I can to make it faster but a former boss many years ago said, "There's no good way to clean a floor but on your hands and knees." She was right. And that's how I clean my kitchen floor once a week. Usually.

  15. Thanks for the tip.....we have the exact same tiles and they are right through the house and show up every mark !!!!

  16. I never thought of using oxy clean, but I keep it around all the time and will give it a whirl. Our kitchen tile floor does need a serious scrub like this, probably more often than it does.... Your closing paragraph is the best! Your honesty and humor make my day. Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. We have the same floor in the bathroom of our rental-only the people who put in down here used WHITE GROUT.
    I have tried the Oxyclean, the bleach pen, the straight bleach/water and the vinegar with lemon.
    Nothing works. I am about to try Grout Renew in a dark grey/charcoal color like it should be!

    1. Try Clorox Clean-Up...windows open and gas mask on...just kidding about the mask. Let it sit, then come back with a tile grout brush as it is stiff and will get the dirt out. You should not have to use too much elbow grease. Once cleaned, seal the grout. If worried about fumes from the Clorox use 409 and again, let sit. A tip I learned from a tile guy at one of my former clients home. I use to clean houses...another tip he gave me: a few times a year use baby oil, soft toothbrush on the grout only, let sit. Wipe with damp cloth. All the usual cleaning products one uses will cause the grout to crack over time. Even sealed grout needs to be re-sealed from time to time....those cleaning products again. Never use bleach on colored grout.
      blessings, jil

  18. Maybe this would help my 20-year old bathroom look young again:).

  19. I love the idea of making it into an exercise routine. My new thing when I clean is to think how lucky and fortunate I feel to have a house to clean. And people to clean it for. (Sometimes that makes the whole thing feel better.)

  20. Hi Janet I love your floor, its just like my friends floor she had put in her 1920s bungalow. You both have great taste! Happy Friday the 13th!

  21. love how disciplined you are! Was thinking about the slow internet in London which made me think of Larry then I giggled!

    About to go for my 2nd walk of the day.

    I intend to do my best thinking ! xxx

  22. oxi zen. sexy floors. I can just see you both down on that floor. dynamic duo.

  23. I have never thought to use Oxi clean on my tile floors but if I get that sparkle it 's worth a try.

    If Larry's going to Blight's can you come to me?

    xo J

  24. Thanks I needed that. Have been looking at my dirty tile floor in the bath for weeks. Except I don't have a scrubbing buddy. Wanna come over? (**

  25. I love your classic black and white floor. Tile is more work because of the grout, but worth it. I've never used Oxi Clean on my floor, but it's a great idea!! Happy Sunday to you. xoJennifer

  26. Beautiful floors! Love the black and white.

  27. Great tip, Janet. Our kitchen is kind of similar. We rent though, so I tend to get a little lazy. We should give a a once over like that. Your floor is sparkling.

  28. that cracked me up "pain in the ass" which of course is true - but it's a necessary evil to have a clean home and yours is beautiful!

  29. I hate getting on my knees and scrubbing the floors, but I hate walking barefoot on a dirty floor even more. Floor looks great!


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