how to clean le creuset cookware

after many many hours of baking bread in this vintage le creuset dutch oven it had become quite discolored.  after searching on-line for ways to clean it i opted for the bon-ami and a little elbow grease method.

it worked beautifully.
i have been Getting Things Done around here.
how's your new years going?

i need to share some of my resolutions.
how about your resolutions?  how are they going?



  1. Elbow grease...sounds like what I'd try :)

  2. Oh I am such a fan of Bon works on so many jobs around here.
    The Le Creuset cookware is one of them...
    enjoy your weekend Janet!

  3. I apparently don't use mine as much as you do...or as much as I probably should! I could easily just blow the dirt off mine. :)

    But, I have a few pieces of the old lime green color and would love to have the big dutch oven one...they don't make that color anymore and they sure don't show up at the thrift stores too often.

    Resolutions...I'm working on them. You know us and our "plans," but right now we're crossing things off which makes me happy.
    Have a great day! xo

  4. You can also use Bar Keeper's Friend in the granular form. The salesman at the Le Creuset outlet recommened it and it works wonderfully. As to resolutions (I call them goals) is to stop wasting so much food.

  5. I also use Bartender's friend when I can't find Bon Ami. You bake bread in your Le Creuset? I am not much of a cook, but this sounds interensting.

    I am still trying to simplify my home, a resolution from last year. Don't know why it's so hard for me, but clutter seems to follow me around. I have gotten rid of so many things this year and yet it is hardly a dent. However, I keep on trying.

  6. One resolution this year is to edit. I'm also working on letting people finish what they are saying before I interrupt them. Cheers to a new year.

  7. Dang! I read about this Bon Ami on Hostess' blog and I can't find it anywhere. I may try barkeeper's friend, my Le Creuset is looking a little rough.
    I am going through my house room by room these days, I'm not one for much clutter but of course I have too many clothes and shoes, still dealing with that!

  8. My resolution:

    1. Think beautifully.
    2. Speak beautifully.
    3. Live beautifully.
    4. Love beautifully.
    5. Learn beautifully.

    This seems to hit all areas of my life- health, wellness, spiritual,family, space and work.

    1. I love this! I'd like to use it as my resolution as well!

    2. So positive! I love your list. Its beautiful!!!

    3. So positive! I love your list. Its beautiful!!!

  9. Janet, your dutch oven is beautiful all cleaned up! What size is it? I've been wanting to make the bread from the recipe you provided but my dutch oven is only 3 qts - do you think that's big enough?

    I've been doing pretty well on resolutions/goals. I'm working my way through our filing cabinet, shredding lots of papers, what can't be shredded is getting scanned. I've had enough of storing hundreds of documents - most are never referred to our needed. I'm also continuing to declutter - seemingly, a never ending chore. Pretty soon most of my unwanted stuff will be gone; my husband isn't on board, so the rest of the clutter will be his. Doesn't seem like I can do much about that :(

  10. HI Janet - I cannot believe how great the bon ami works! I am not sure I have ever seen it in Canada - will have to take a look. I am like Dani - going room by room. Also trying to read more!

  11. What a beautiful colour, Janet. I love them but my arthritic hands can't handle the weight.


  12. Elbow grease--- always the magic ingredient! I'm just now getting around to taking down the holiday decorations.

  13. Bon-Ami and a Mr. Clean eraser will clean almost anything. Love the color of your dutch oven.

  14. It looks brand new Janet!! Well done!! Isn't a Le Creuset pan the best?!

    Happy weekend!

    Madelief x

  15. I've finally been persuaded by your amazing visuals and techniques, to make your wonderful homemade bread recipe next week. I was wondering how many quarts your casserole/dutch oven is, so that I can use a similarly-sized container. Thank you and wishes for a lovely weekend!

  16. That is the prettiest color I've seen yet! Is it vintage? Barkeeper's Friend is also wonderful and I've had luck with baking soda, too.

  17. I am 4 days into my 30 day Vegan challenge!!! I haven't sures my le creuset enough to have to clean it really well. I have baked a loaf of your bread in it and it was great!

  18. Lots of organizing/cleaning since the year began here too. My old Le Creuset pot cleans up better than a much newer saucier. I try to clean out one area a day, even if it's just a desk drawer. I actually love this time of year. My other resolution/goal is to make more pies and tarts. Everyone laughs at this. But on a night we're eating salad for dinner, this is a real treat.

  19. Love the color!! It sure cleaned up nice! I just sent you an e-mail about Jack White on Austin City Limits, and a link to check it out. Didn't know if you have that program on your PBS channel.

    Thanks for your great blog!

    Lisa in Fort Worth

  20. I have had, no chemicals in my house, for 12 years - just Bon Ami, vinegar, and lavender essential oil - oh and you got me using Dr. Bonner's soap (I mop the floor with it - smells divine!) Isn't it wonderful how clean and nice smelling everything is with those simple things? I hope you are having a great time!
    SF Bay Area

  21. I have several older black cast iron saucepans with lids and i use them to bake the "French Bread" recipe of yours. Never have to worry about cleaning/polishing them! You can find them sometimes in thrift stores. I might try baking the dough in my really big cast iron fry pan for more of a focaccia type shaped loaf. It's fun to think "outside the box" on something as mundane as a baking pan!

  22. Good to know ~ I received that very piece as a Christmas present. My other piece is laying on a table outside with Easy Off sprayed all over the bottm. That seems to be working too.

  23. Great color on that Dutch oven! It looks almost new now!

  24. Great tip ! My resolution is to downsize and de-clutter. So far I'm slow getting started but have cleaned out my jeans and a few drawers. :)

  25. I've always wanted a Le Creuset pot. When I have more disposable income I will treat myself. I see them at the store and have 2 problems a. they're never on sale and b. I can't decide what color I want. NT resolution is to maintain health and be grateful. Thanks Janet.

  26. My favorite le creuset is getting like that too...I ran out of bar keepers Bon-ami the same thing i wonder? I love your vintage le Creuset...the square knob on top...I wonder how old it is?

    1. No, Barkeeper's Friend is somewhat more abrasive.

    2. my guess is that mine is 20-25 yrs old.
      i've never used bar keepers so i really don't know.:)

  27. Seems the answer leads to Bon-ami often when cleaning.

    Inherited my grandma's Le Creuset, orange!

    Inherited my mother-in-law's robbin's egg blue similar style pot made in Holland, a prize possession. Needing the Bon-Ami.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  28. Happy New Year Janet.
    Love the colour of your Le Creuset.
    My resolution is to continue is taking forever!

  29. I love Barkeeper's Friend, too. It was recommended to me years ago by my father, who really was a barkeeper. I've used it for almost 20 years to keep my Cuisinart stainless cookware looking like new. It also removes copper tarnish.

  30. I love Bon Ami. It works pretty well on my copper pots as well. My resolutions are holding up fairly well, but a few have hit the dumpster already. That's why I hate to call the resolutions...they're really just intentions for me. Less pressure that way.

  31. I do the same thing. It works a treat!

  32. I bought my first Le Creuset about 40 years ago. It's the standard "flame" and I don't think they had any other colors at that time. I've been adding to it for years and love it. The color of yours is beautiful, and good job with the Bon Ami.

  33. I'm very happy to tell you that I've been 11 days vegan!!! I've also lost 11 pounds.

  34. Thank you for the cleaning tip. I tried your bread recipe for the first time last week and it worked beautifully! New Year's resolution - move to vegan eating. So far, so good and it has a side benefit of forcing me to cook much more. For the first time in years, we aren't eating out every few days. Multiple benefits, thank you for the encouragement to make this switch!
    New Jersey

  35. Happy New Year Hanet!

    Have had the same Le Creuset pot in orange for about 40 years, still going strong (about 20 years ago also bought one a size smaller in blue). Have told my DIL she'll inherit both - they're so brilliant and were made to last. Seem to remember Bon Ami being available in Australia once, but haven't seen it for years. I generally soak it first and then use Jif Cream cleaner and it gets it off. I think the trick is always to make sure it's absolutely clean with no residual mix or oil on the pan before putting it in the oven so you avoid getting stuff baked on. It's true they are heavy though. If the big one is full with a casserole (vegans look away! - I use it to make Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon) I have to ask husband to put it in and take out of oven. Best wishes, Pamela

  36. Sorry about the typo in your name above, Janet! Best wishes, P

  37. As I use as few chemicals as possible, I just use a green 3M scrubby with water briefly after every use and it never gets that way... the enamel is so tough, it doesn't get damaged.

  38. Beautiful colour on that Le Creuset pot--I've not seen that before. However, word of warning here: I baked your bread a couple of weeks ago, and, about 5 minutes from the end of the baking period there was a loud BANG from the oven. I was almost too scared to look, but when I did, I found that the knob on the lid had broken off! When I did some research, I found that the newer knobs on Le Creuset (unless made of stainless steel) are only good up to 375 degrees. So, I now have a new knob on order from the company and have (successfully) baked the bread in an old and indestructable black cast iron pot. Check your knobs, people!

    I have been decluttering and reorganizing every cupboard, pantry and closet in the house, and honestly, what a soothing, addicting activity. Sometimes, I open up a closet just to admire! I would carry on with more, but everything else seems to be under the protection of a husband who really does think more is more. Sigh!

    1. sorry to hear that. it's nice you were able to replace the knob.

  39. Good choices! I love my Le Creuset cookware and Bon Ami for cleaning. My resolutions include not purchasing ANY items of clothing, shoes, purses, accessories or jewelry this year. Ok...everyone can pick their jaws up off the floors. Yep....this one will be a challenge for me, but I have a SICK amount of clothing and jewelry and have decided enough is enough. Another resolution is to grow more veggies and fruit this year. We'll be building more raised boxes and greenhouse installations. I just dug the rest of my carrots from last fall on January 1 !!! I can't tell you how great it is to eat fresh from the garden carrots in January. And I live in's freezing here! And finally, I'm going to stop buying cheap junk and settling for stuff that's just ok. I'm either doing without or investing more money on good stuff that lasts a long Le Creuset cookware!

  40. Hi janet!
    I have no idea, what bon-ami is - I googled it but found a whole range of products. Maybe there is a more general term for the product you used?
    A scouring milk or cream?

    I like the colour! The colour inside is always beautiful.

    1. bon ami is like a gentle scouring powder. you could try baking soda and a little bit of water to make a paste and that would prob work too.

  41. Beautiful job! I have been using Le Creuset since the teen years when I went off to college; nothing better, IMO. Yours looks gorgeous! I read several years ago that Le Creuset really shouldn't go in the dishwasher (mine has been in a jillion times, but no more). I will remember Bon Ami as a good product to use when things are looking really dire. Thanks for the tip!

  42. I just arrived via Stephen Andrew and checked out everything you have posted. What a great site! Love your recipes, home and your style.

  43. To clean my Le Creuset. I leave it to soak in very hot water with a dishwasher tablet added & it comes up sparkling every time. & no need for any elbow grease.

  44. My New Years resolution is for me to be 100% vegan this year. I have been about 90% for two years but its time to be vegan. Period! I'm also watching my spending this year and only buying necessities. I love your blog Janet. Thank you for all of your inspiration, kindness and for sharing your recipes.

  45. I love my Le Creuset and always looking for ways to keep it looking new...and I got a carton of bon-ami in my xmas stocking (don't ask!) PS we made your no kneed bread from a recipe you posted ages ago. I worked perfectly!


kindness is never out of style.

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